mailfilter problem (amavis+clam related)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by il.manuel, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    hi, i'm new on this forum and i say hello to everyone!

    i have a big and strange problem on my ispconfig box.

    first of all, here the system spec:
    VPS with 1GB RAM
    debian squeeze 6.0.2 (updated today)
    clamav 0.97

    my problem is that or clamav or amavis (or both) are not running or they are running bad from monday 15 aug and for that, postif not deliver emails to mailbox.

    here an example from mail.log:

    Aug 17 14:58:33 vps-0017 postfix/smtp[5993]: F0C57124E77: to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=2524, delays=2524/0.27/0/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[]:10024: Connection refused)

    or that:

    Aug 17 09:42:24 vps-0017 postfix/error[7809]: 15D54124E53: to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=269, delays=0.49/269/0/0.04, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: conversation with[] timed out while receiving the initial server greeting)

    i discover that the problem is related to amavis (listening on 10024) and clamav.
    when i try to restart clamav, i got this error:

    /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart
    Stopping ClamAV daemon: clamd.
    Starting ClamAV daemon: clamd failed!

    log output:

    Wed Aug 17 17:15:41 2011 -> +++ Started at Wed Aug 17 17:15:41 2011
    Wed Aug 17 17:15:41 2011 -> clamd daemon 0.97 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64)
    Wed Aug 17 17:15:41 2011 -> Log file size limited to -1 bytes.
    Wed Aug 17 17:15:41 2011 -> Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
    Wed Aug 17 17:15:41 2011 -> Not loading PUA signatures.
    Wed Aug 17 17:15:56 2011 -> Loaded 1019664 signatures.
    Wed Aug 17 17:16:52 2011 -> LOCAL: Unix socket file /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
    Wed Aug 17 17:16:52 2011 -> LOCAL: Setting connection queue length to 15
    Wed Aug 17 17:16:52 2011 -> ERROR: daemonize() failed: Cannot allocate memory
    Wed Aug 17 17:16:52 2011 -> Socket file removed.

    is seems to be a memory related issue. it is possible? i have to upgrade memory on VPS?

    now i have disabled mail filtering in (#content_filter = amavis:[]:10024), but that solution in not acceptable (whole spam are delivered in incoming folder!).

    have you an idea?

    thx a lot
  2. pititis

    pititis Member


    Try to find what is eating your ram, 1GB must be ok. I'm running ispconfig with your setup without problems. Just list your process and try to admin them.

    New soft installed?

  3. mentes

    mentes Member

    Do you have swap partition ?

    cat /proc/meminfo
  4. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    thx for fast reply.

    from 15th aug no new software installed, nor server updating: no change to services very strange, it is not possible that frashclam had downloaded a bad upgrade?

    process's list ordered by memory usage

    619 root 20 0 321m 75m 1016 S 0 7.6 0:54.29 saslauthd
    623 root 20 0 313m 75m 1024 S 0 7.5 0:52.22 saslauthd
    621 root 20 0 313m 72m 1024 S 0 7.2 0:54.29 saslauthd
    620 root 20 0 296m 70m 1024 S 0 7.0 0:48.65 saslauthd
    618 root 20 0 311m 69m 1024 S 0 7.0 0:53.27 saslauthd
    21426 mysql 20 0 338m 60m 2756 S 0 6.0 15:31.81 mysqld
    7521 root 20 0 230m 48m 488 S 0 4.9 0:17.30 spamd
    7523 root 20 0 230m 48m 424 S 0 4.9 0:00.03 spamd
    7522 root 20 0 230m 48m 424 S 0 4.9 0:00.05 spamd
    9362 www-data 20 0 380m 44m 4988 S 0 4.4 0:03.38 apache2
    19001 amavis 20 0 209m 36m 4 S 0 3.6 0:08.04 amavisd-new
    9158 www-data 20 0 373m 36m 5496 S 0 3.6 0:03.85 apache2
    8927 www-data 20 0 371m 35m 5088 S 0 3.6 0:04.01 apache2
    9686 www-data 20 0 371m 35m 5048 S 0 3.6 0:01.42 apache2
    9984 www-data 20 0 371m 35m 4964 S 0 3.6 0:01.43 apache2
    6322 www-data 20 0 373m 35m 4616 S 0 3.6 0:04.02 apache2
    8919 www-data 20 0 368m 32m 5060 S 0 3.2 0:03.15 apache2
    10756 www-data 20 0 367m 31m 4832 S 0 3.2 0:00.67 apache2
    10662 www-data 20 0 352m 16m 4300 S 0 1.6 0:00.11 apache2
    10817 www-data 20 0 248m 15m 4260 S 0 1.6 0:00.17 apache2
    19015 amavis 20 0 205m 10m 4 S 0 1.0 0:00.01 amavisd-new
    1616 root 20 0 244m 7444 212 S 0 0.7 3:57.51 apache2
    15030 www-data 20 0 158m 6392 92 S 0 0.6 0:01.42 apache2
    10820 postfix 20 0 103m 5852 4380 S 0 0.6 0:00.03 smtpd
    15029 root 20 0 39536 5468 1024 S 0 0.5 0:03.56 vlogger
    1183 root 20 0 207m 4096 1048 S 1 0.4 83:57.09 fail2ban-server
    10821 postfix 20 0 52544 3332 2544 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 proxymap
    10822 postfix 20 0 52556 3320 2568 S 0 0.3 0:00.01 trivial-rewrite
    10869 postfix 20 0 52512 3072 2376 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 cleanup
    10870 postfix 20 0 52416 2964 2296 S 0 0.3 0:00.00 pipe
    5486 postfix 20 0 54172 2944 548 S 0 0.3 0:05.97 qmgr
    10881 postfix 20 0 39356 2404 1884 S 0 0.2 0:00.38 showq
    10793 postfix 20 0 39224 2352 1856 S 0 0.2 0:00.00 anvil
    9990 postfix 20 0 39224 2320 1836 S 0 0.2 0:00.01 pickup
    7162 root 20 0 71628 2112 200 S 0 0.2 0:02.34 sshd
    8015 clamav 20 0 42700 2008 1104 S 0 0.2 0:03.14 freshclam
    5589 postfix 20 0 41744 1772 816 S 0 0.2 0:00.03 tlsmgr
    10885 root 20 0 19064 1368 1004 R 1 0.1 0:00.02 top
    7164 root 20 0 121m 1216 644 S 0 0.1 0:01.89 bash
    582 root 20 0 117m 1136 468 S 0 0.1 5:16.76 rsyslogd
    24408 bind 20 0 142m 868 364 S 0 0.1 0:06.77 named
    15051 vmail 20 0 25724 728 464 S 0 0.1 0:00.42 imapd
    4726 vmail 20 0 25728 724 432 S 0 0.1 0:01.89 imapd
    5479 root 20 0 37160 708 188 S 0 0.1 0:02.11 master
    1571 ntp 20 0 38332 592 432 S 0 0.1 2:37.96 ntpd
    743 root 20 0 31860 588 376 S 0 0.1 0:15.05 authdaemond
    740 root 20 0 31860 584 376 S 0 0.1 0:15.46 authdaemond
    741 root 20 0 31860 584 372 S 0 0.1 0:15.25 authdaemond

    cat /proc/meminfo

    MemTotal: 1022808 kB
    MemFree: 26152 kB
    Buffers: 7248 kB
    Cached: 169172 kB
    SwapCached: 1100 kB
    Active: 513456 kB
    Inactive: 434072 kB
    Active(anon): 377716 kB
    Inactive(anon): 394772 kB
    Active(file): 135740 kB
    Inactive(file): 39300 kB
    Unevictable: 0 kB
    Mlocked: 0 kB
    SwapTotal: 1048568 kB
    SwapFree: 4 kB
    Dirty: 88 kB
    Writeback: 0 kB
    AnonPages: 770044 kB
    Mapped: 13328 kB
    Shmem: 1376 kB
    Slab: 23320 kB
    SReclaimable: 15088 kB
    SUnreclaim: 8232 kB
    KernelStack: 1320 kB
    PageTables: 14020 kB
    NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
    Bounce: 0 kB
    WritebackTmp: 0 kB
    CommitLimit: 1559972 kB
    Committed_AS: 2482192 kB
    VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
    VmallocUsed: 6200 kB
    VmallocChunk: 34359732008 kB
    HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB
    HugePages_Total: 0
    HugePages_Free: 0
    HugePages_Rsvd: 0
    HugePages_Surp: 0
    Hugepagesize: 2048 kB
    DirectMap4k: 1048576 kB
    DirectMap2M: 0 kB


    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 1022808 996648 26160 0 7252 169192
    -/+ buffers/cache: 820204 202604
    Swap: 1048568 1048564 4

    may not be possible to only enable spamassassin for now?

  5. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    the problem would be swap space is full?

    SwapTotal: 1048568 kB
    SwapFree: 4 kB

    only 1GB would be a small space?

    it is possible to increase swap space in any way?
  6. mentes

    mentes Member

    I think if you increase swap space it would work, but this seems only a temporally solution.

    The right solution is know why your RAM and your swap is full.

    The only thing that occurred to me is to reboot the server :p
  7. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    after a server reboot, all services are strted correctly and the filter activity is now normal.
    it was a memory issue, related, i think, to a too small swap space (1GB on 1GB RAM).
    you know a trick to increase a swap space without repartitioning hd?

  8. mentes

    mentes Member

    With another partition, with another disk*

    *Can be a flash card or usb stick.
  9. mentes

    mentes Member

    How much memory free has now ?

    free -m
  10. mentes

    mentes Member

    One idea. You can swap your swap :)

    If you have a 3 Gb partition for /home backup it and convert it in swap space. And your swap space in your /home.
  11. pititis

    pititis Member

    Can you check if your are currently getting a bruteforce attack? Check your auth.log This amount of memory for saslauthd is not normal. Also check your mail.log, maybe someone is sending a lot of emails...

  12. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    after reboot i was able to process mail queue and to retrive old emails.
    very well, but free -m say that:

    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 998 785 213 0 6 354
    -/+ buffers/cache: 424 574
    Swap: 1023 143 880

    swap usage is dramatically increasing again and i'm afraid to restart the server in a few days.

    for now I created a new area on a swap file by following this article

    hope that this help.
  13. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    I have noticed some attempts to connect with different users (root admin oracle postgres): in this case should not be activated fail2ban?
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you use OpenVZ? If so, what's the output of
    cat /proc/user_beancounters
  15. il.manuel

    il.manuel New Member

    i'm on xen.
    anyway, memory consumption now seems to be ok.


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