Upgrading Lenny's kernel

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by alleks, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. alleks

    alleks Member

    Hello folks, here I am posting this problem of mine that has been giving me a hard time.

    I own a (ve) Server from mediatemple.net, and they are using Parallels' Virtuozzo virtualization technology and of course they have their security tweaks (I am sure that many of you have already heard about it, or maybe even own one like me).

    - I am running on Debian Lenny - My problem comes when I try to setup iptables to improve my server's security and the problem is that I can't get it to allow FTP, and after a while searching for solutions/tweaks/etc... I have realized that "my" lenny has no kernel modules loaded, none/nada/0... I have deducted that by simply trying first to
    /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack
    /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
    with no success, and than I did a lsmod to see what modules I had and the response was: nothing.

    My other problem is that I can't load no modules in my actual 2.6.18 kernel because it is not in the debian's repository's anymore, and that means that I would have to upgrade to 2.6.26

    what do you think about all this?
  2. alleks

    alleks Member

    nada no 1? :)
  3. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Why don't you just update to this kernel or in other word's the most recent debian lenny offers?

    Just make sure you got a backup of the old one and a rescue system or somewhat to access the server and set up the old kernel in case it won't come up with the new one.

    What are the errormessages modprobe / modinfo show?
  4. pamellayao

    pamellayao New Member

    Just make sure you got a backup of the old one and a rescue system or somewhat to access the server and set up the old kernel in case it won't come up with the new one.:eek:
  5. alleks

    alleks Member

    I had that problem on OpenVZ but the administrators of my hosting company (mediatemple) explained all the info I needed.

    Tnx anyway

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