i have followed the perfect setup for ispconfig (2.1.2) and FC4 and everything works fine... i realised that recently another machine in the same subnet (belong to someone else) is using my server to relay spams... i'd like to set in my main.cf such that mynetworks_style = host (to send out mails from my machine only, not my network) however, i notice that the output of postconf does not change when i set "mynetworks_style = host" in /etc/postfix/main.cf =============================== # postconf -d | grep mynetworks mynetworks = mynetworks_style = subnet =============================== i did not set "mynetworks", so it seems that postfix gets the value ( somewhere else. according to the man pages, if "mynetworks" is set, then "mynetworks_style" will be ignored. am i missing anything? how can i set "mynetworks_style = host" ? thanks
Just set Code: mynetworks = and comment out mynetworks_style. Then restart Postfix. This will allow sending only from localhost (without authentication).
my server is currently hosting a few domains and have a few IP addresses would there be any problem by doing the above?
thanks - this works for me... actually there was a problem with my earlier command... should have omitted the -d and i think i'll be ok =============================== # postconf -d | grep mynetworks mynetworks = mynetworks_style = subnet ===============================