Problem Backing Up System

Discussion in 'Technical' started by bschultz, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. bschultz

    bschultz Member

    I'd like to move the contents of my current system (Debian Lenny) to a new, faster server.

    The problem I'm having is that EVERY cloning program I've tried (Clonezilla, Partimage, DD) all hang the old server while creating the image...requiring a hard reset)

    I'm trying to put the backup image on a USB drive...then I'll restore the image to the new server.

    Any ideas what might be causing the server to hang...or how I should proceed?

  2. erosbk

    erosbk New Member

    Did you try to install a fresh install of debian in the new server, to see if disks (and other devices) are being detected by the kernel?

    I think that the best way to change a server, is doing a fresh install, and next, move the data with rsync... but is what I think :p
  3. bschultz

    bschultz Member

    I finally got Clonezilla to work...after two weeks of trying to get it to make it all the way through the image!

    Just a note to others who may try this...once you get the image restored on the new server, you may have to change the boot order (my old server was hda1 for the main one is sda1)...and you'll more than likely have to delete the contents of the /etc/udev/rules.d/xx-persistent-net.rules file...because it will have the old servers MAC addresses in it.

    Once that was done, the new server is running great!
  4. gerr1t

    gerr1t New Member

    The best solution in my opinion is too netboot the server, or use a rescue cd (like the one gentoo provides), then partition your disk and rsync the contents of your old server to the new one.
  5. Geekwlover

    Geekwlover New Member

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