Hell guys, I need a little help to solve this question Write a Bourne shell script which: • Has one command line argument. • If the command line argument is a directory then the script should output the number of files in the directory. • If the command line argument is an ordinary file then the script should output whether or not the file has execute permission for the file owner. • If the command line argument is neither a file or directory then the script should output an appropriate error message. • If no command line argument is supplied then the script should output an appropriate error message.
You might want to take a look here first: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ If you wrote your execise script then and some parts of it wont work and you are unable to find the problem yourself, then post your script.
this is my code Code: #!/bin/sh echo " Command line argument is :" $1 if [ -d $1 ] then echo " The number of files in the directory is ` ls -l | wc -l` " else echo " It is not a dirctory " fi if [ -f $1 ] then echo " The execute permission for the file owner is ` ls -l $1`" else echo " There is no execute permission " fi the code might be wrong !! the time for submission is up ! Thank you