apache2 throws up a few warns during restart (ISPConfig3)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by wake2010, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    I am testing this script on a Home made Server.

    All set up well, I managed to modify a DNS Record on my primary web host to redirect my subdomain local.xyz.tld and it works well I manage to get the default index page, However i noticed While using my Shell Access to restart the services Apache brings up the following:
    [Thu Sep 01 19:55:23 2011] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
    [Thu Sep 01 19:55:23 2011] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
     ... waiting [Thu Sep 01 19:55:24 2011] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
    [Thu Sep 01 19:55:24 2011] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts

    My setup is as follows

    My Server is setup via a router with DMZ enabled (for now) and my router IP is semi-static (only changes if i turn off my router which is never) so my server has a local STATIC IP as shown above.

    also i can not access webmail when using outside the internal network.

    Any Help would be massive!! thanks =]:D
  2. mentes

    mentes Member

  3. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    well at first it was domain.com/webmail but with that not working i decided to try a mod to allow webmail.domain.com both fail
  4. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    also my ispconfig system messages log says "unable ro read /var/log/messages"
  5. mentes

    mentes Member

    For webmail.domain.com you need create a subdomain and add A DNS record.

    When you try to access to your webmail ...
    ... error.log shows something ?
    ... do you get some error in your browser?

    Can you access from your internal network ?
  6. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    I did that from outset. I forgot to mention i had checked all DNS record as i run companies shared hosts dns records =]

    where is that again? being a total *unix noob and used to cpanel...

    yes when i run via domain.com/webmail i get 404 as of writing i am restarting server

    i am accessing the server through http and by ssh on local network

    im at a loss
  7. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    ok i realised what i did wrong i used a A record on my main host dns and not a ns record for the subdomain.

    time to contact webhost :S any ideas of what domain registrars allow subdomain NS records if this goes bad?
  8. mentes

    mentes Member

    Well, then step by step.

    In ssh console, type:

    tail -f /var/www/yourdomain.com/log/error.log
    "tail" reads the last lines of a file.

    Then, try to access to domain.com/webmail and paste here the new lines you get.
  9. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    [Thu Sep 01 20:03:09 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/local.advancetechuk.com/web/webmail
    [Thu Sep 01 21:23:34 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/local.advancetechuk.com/web/webmail
    [Thu Sep 01 21:23:34 2011] [debug] mod_deflate.c(615): [client] Zlib: Compressed 1806 to 791 : URL /error/404.html
    [Thu Sep 01 21:25:16 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/local.advancetechuk.com/web/webmail
    [Thu Sep 01 21:25:16 2011] [debug] mod_deflate.c(615): [client] Zlib: Compressed 1806 to 791 : URL /error/404.html
    [Thu Sep 01 21:25:16 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/local.advancetechuk.com/web/favicon.ico
    [Thu Sep 01 21:25:16 2011] [debug] mod_deflate.c(615): [client] Zlib: Compressed 1806 to 791 : URL /error/404.html
  10. mentes

    mentes Member

    You don't need NS record for subdomain like webmail.domain.com

    Maybe is better you delegate DNS to ISPConfig.
  11. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    ok the dns issue is sorted that is currently an issue i can resolve when i create a new domain. the problem i have now is that i still can not access webmail, the log states there is no file in web/webmail so how do i do a symbolic link?
  12. mentes

    mentes Member

     File does not exist: /var/www/local.advancetechuk.com/web/webmail
    I'm pretty sure you didn't create an alias for webmail. (This should be done from the console, not from ISPConfig)

    And did you installed some webmail? squirrelmail or roundcube

    Did you get ISPConfig manual? I think is a good tool for you.
  13. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    trust me when i get the cash i am, and yes squirrelmail is installed but obviously not accessing it so how do i do a symbolic link or what ever it is called?? the li or something
  14. mentes

    mentes Member

  15. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    yeah im already on it =] followed you via whos online
  16. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    only one problem now what was the default webmail link in the config interface link
    and the cash for the documentation just need to get the cash in the bank =]
  17. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

  18. mentes

    mentes Member

    I don't understand this question :(

    Meanwhile you can use the howtos section.
  19. mentes

    mentes Member

    Go to first step:

    tail -f /var/www/yourdomain.com/log/error.log
  20. wake2010

    wake2010 New Member

    same file does not exist so i followed all and still at square one

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