DNS problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by (O)fer_cz, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. (O)fer_cz

    (O)fer_cz New Member


    i have multiserver instalation of ISPConfig 3 on Debian 6 Squeeze.
    I have problem accessing my websites.

    heres intodns.com problem report
    On my servers, should etc/resolv.conf be set on my NS or my hosting's NS?

    output of dig localhost xxxx.xxx
    output of dig xxxxx.xx

  2. mentes

    mentes Member

    You need create A record.

    A ns1 111.222.333.444

    It isn't the same as

    A ns1.yourdomain.com 111.222.333.444
  3. (O)fer_cz

    (O)fer_cz New Member

    thanks for reply. do you think something else than this?
  4. mentes

    mentes Member

    You need add new records.

    A ns1 111.222.333.444
    A ns2 111.222.333.444

    I'm not sure if you use * instead ip this will works.
  5. (O)fer_cz

    (O)fer_cz New Member

    is that correct now?
  6. mentes

    mentes Member

    Seems ok. What says intodns.com ?

    Why your hostname is ns1.domain.tld ?

    You can remove these:

    A ns1.domain.tld
    A ns2.domain.tld
  7. (O)fer_cz

    (O)fer_cz New Member


    unfortunately, problem is still same.

    if you think last NS record, its name: my-product-domain.tld data: ns1.my-main-hosting-domain-running-ispc.tld

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  8. mentes

    mentes Member

    Exchange all * per ip
  9. (O)fer_cz

    (O)fer_cz New Member

    its still same.
    if i ssh to my ns1 server, where i got resolv.conf set to my NS, i can ping google, but i cannt ping mywebsite.tld, ping: unknown host. ill try reinstall my NS server... thanks for help
  10. (O)fer_cz

    (O)fer_cz New Member

    i have reinstalled ns and its working, thanks for help :)
    edit: maybye you dont have to reinstall server, just check, if you have permissions to access master db
    i was switching IPs and didnt query modified commands

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
  11. mentes

    mentes Member

    Nice to hear this :)

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