Ubuntu 10.04 NIC Bonding

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by gachnar, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. gachnar

    gachnar New Member

    I have googled the S#%T out of this and can't find a good / practical tutorial that tells me how to successfully bond the NIC's in my server. It's basically a brand new install minus my tinkering trying to get the NIC's bonded. Can someone please help me to try to get this configured? I probably should reload the system to ensure I have a vanilla install so we can get this thing rocking. I look forward to the help.

    I just realized I should provide more info. I am trying to get a HA(High Availability) iSCSI server to work, I am stuck at a point to where I can't proceed any further because I can't get the nic bonded successfully. Any ideas?
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  2. gachnar

    gachnar New Member

    just a bump...
  3. gachnar

    gachnar New Member

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