Hello, Am trying to get started with SUSE 11.3 and I found out that one could use ISPconfig 3 or 2 to webhost. I have downloaded the setup but not in the know of the installation and configuration. kindly help me with the user manual such that I develop an understanding in the use of the application .Thanks in advance. Hope to hear from you soon Regards
ISPConfig 2 is deprecated, so dont use it. Regarding ispconfig 3, the installation instructions for ispconfig on OpenSUSE can be found on the ispconfig.org website: http://www.ispconfig.org/ispconfig-3/documentation/ The user manual for ispconfig 3 is available here: http://www.ispconfig.org/ispconfig-3/ispconfig-3-manual/
Help Hi Till, Thanks for that assistance. I wanted a manual to guide me in a TEST INSTALLATION AND PRACTICE on whether I could setup a test mail server using ISP config 3 but the URL I received requires a pay and which involves credit cards. this is impossible for me. Can ANY one with ISP config 3 Installation Manual be of help to me as am very OPTMISTIC to see this work. Thanks Richard
Help Hi Till, Thanks for that assistance. I wanted a manual to guide me in a TEST INSTALLATION AND PRACTICE on whether I could setup a test mail server using ISP config 3 but the URL I received requires a pay and which involves credit cards. this is impossible for me. Can ANY one with ISP config 3 Installation Manual be of help to me as am very OPTIMISTIC to see this work. Thanks Richard
this its a how to for install http://www.howtoforge.com/script-fo...r-on-opensuse-11.4-and-installing-ispconfig-3 this may help.. it works great if you have issues just ask kwick
Please see my posts above, I posted two links. The installation guide is available for free, only the extended user manual is a paid ebook as the development of the ispconfig software is paid from this. So as you want to do a test installation, then the free installationguide that you find on the page with the first link is all that you need to know to install ispconfig.
Thanks Thanks to all of you who have contributed to this. Let me try it out I will get back to you on monday. Nice weekend.