I think that the best way could be to install all the new server, and then, migrate all databases and files... I think that there is no better way than this... you can move your disks directly, but, I don't know how kernel controls the driver parts...
Have a look here - http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-35907.html I wonder how hexfusion has solved the last thing till mentioned... I plan to do a migration tomorrow.
I need to do this also but my ISPConfig3 server is dedicated (hopefully this makes things a little simple to migrate the ISPConfig server istelf). All sites/email/databases are on other servers. I'm reluctant to start my migration as there seems to be no clear instruction on how to migrate, there really ought to be a solid guide to doing this as I would think its a fairly common request.
So basically you only need to configure new locations? Lucky you... Well, I'd agree with you if we were paying customers with paid support.... this is not the case, though. I don't want to put it all on the devs' plates. Especially because I have never seen people who work as dedicated and structurally donate most of their work into the public realm as till and falko. Migration can't be too bad. After till's last hint regarding password location, maybe a simple grep will suffice. We'll have to see... I'll post my results here after the merge. (I had delay due to offline and online troubles. Fortunately my ISP, NQHost, has been lightning fast to help me with some of the issues. I can recommend this company, they're great.)
Right now I hope so, although the mail web and db servers all need to be migrated too at some point. I did purchase the manual which should cover migration really but I do see your point Hopefully it will go smoothly, looking forward to hearing about it.
Ok, data from /var/vmail, /var/www and /var/lib/mysql has been copied. Next up: data from named (/etc/bind), and ispconfig's config at /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/config.inc.php and /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/config.inc.php. Then I'll update /etc/passwd and /etc/group with the old info, and run pwck and grpck, probably followed by pwconv and grpconv. Then I'll grep a few common locations (/etc e.g.) for the password that's stored in ispconfig's config files... because postfix and other stuff also uses it. It may be a bumpy ride, but it has to be done...
It would be nice to have some tutorial for migrating whole server or maybe a script which would do most od the work. I'll will also need to move to new server next year
Ok, after figuring a lot of stuff out here are some notes. It seems that it's not really needed to change the mysql password of user ispconfig. It's even unwise, so I'd suggest to leave it be and rather use the new password on the new system for anything you have migrated. Don't forget to set quota as your new system has no quota ...yet I did a lot of mysql stuff because my DNS entries had to be updated in bulk. I edited all the entries in dbispconfig's dns_rr table, and then all I had to do was to click 'edit' and then 'save' for each zone. Saved quite a lot of time there. I also had to do this for ipv6 addresses. You know, the biggest problem is that you might overlook something. The transition to a new system isn't exactly fun, but it's well to do. So if anyone has questions, just drop them in this thread.
There is a dns resync tool for that available, so you dont have to click on each zone. http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=248916&postcount=2
When I migrated my clients to new server, i migrate site by site. First set DNS TTL to 60 sec, so you can switch site on little downtime create all zones on new server, wait 2 days that DNS is on new server. Update nameservers on DNS registers. create small script which will mysql dump, mysql import, rsync data, and setting new owner then migrate site by site, disabling, on old server, as site is migrated and finally rsync vmail to new server and monitor if new mail are coming to new server and now I have clean system ready to be multiserver soon I also created DNS slave script with dns_export_to_bind.php (located in ispconfig instalation) so I don't need separated ispconfig server for second DNS
Ah, actually, I did forget it. But it was an easy catch: apache simply won't start if you don't have that dir ;-)
Instead of opening a new post I use this one since my problem is more or less about migration. Let me explain a bit of background. During an upgrade my server got trapped in a boot problem, since it is in a remote location I could not recover it easily and diced to reinstall everything. This is not my first ispconfig3 migration so I was confident with it. I had a usb backup hd attached and I made a backup of all the relevant part. Unfortunately during the copy the hd failed when I was about to copy back the websites and apache virtualhost configurations So now I have a working server with a working ispconfig with an imported db from previous installation. Since many of the sites where cms, all the relevant data are in the db. eventually I will miss some images. But to start restoring I need to recreate all the virtualhost and the relative ispconfig3 tree structure. Is there a way to force ispconfig to recreate everything, like when you create a new website?
Edit a value in the website settings e.g. quota and click on save. ISPConfig will then recreate the site if it does not exist.