Hi, I have compiled kernel 3.1 64 bit for ubuntu oneiric with configuration for CORE2 march=native and mtune=native. I have two versions, one is compiled with ubuntu patches and second one without ubuntu patches. (I have maximus iv extreme R3 BIOS 1850 motherboard. HD6990 with catalyst 11.8 properly working). I have problem to switch to console by Ctlr+Alt+FN1. It is always switched properly into console but has displayed blank screen. (I can type login name and password and it evidently made login) but I do not see anything displayed. The problem is not catalyst graphic driver because when I ran under xorg-edgers compiled kernel 3.1 or another kernel from ubuntu ppa - it works just fine - console behaves normally. Could anybody please help to kernel newbie to let me what am I missing within kernel compilation? thanks a lot for any clue, regards, Martin
Did you use the configuration of the working kernel when you compiled the new one, or did you configure it from scratch?
1. I would like to know what I should switch on/off when menuconfig starts - to make console displayable ? 2. I have read that each new kernel version has slightly different config. How to manage it - by diff to see what is new , removed , depracated, my changes ? 3. which configuration file should I try to compile kernel for 64 bit oneiric ? 4. I have read that redhat 6 enterprise configuration is good but I am using ubuntu oneiric. Woul it be a problem ? I did not try to compile kernel yet. 5. I would like to make some settings by myself: ( at this moment I am using core2 march=native mtune=native tried as well: mtune=corei7 mtune=corei7 ---I have i7 2600k -- which setting may I use for this processor ? I would like to try to have support avx instruction set. found this: march=corei7-avx mtune=corei7-avx or anything else may I try ? --- Kernel Timer Frequency set to 1000 HZ Transparent hugepage support enabled ) is there anything else I can use within kernel compilation what coul be useful for i7 2600k processor and maximus iv extreme motherboard ? 6. is there any documentation on-line or book describing some examples what config settings is useful , many-times-used , usually-used for ? I am not saying all of it, but just some with explanation what is it for ? I would like to learn more about kernel compilation to better understand. thanks for any help, urls, descriptive examples , book/s links.
Take a look at chapter 5 on http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu_p2 to learn how to use the configuration of a working kernel for a new kernel.
thanks, My idea is: At this moment my script has 2 options: 1. normal kernel compilation from source code - works. 2. kernel compilation with ubuntu patches - works. 3. option is not done yet. and it should be compile kernel with 3rd party configuration file (like redhat el 6 ). Within all these options I have to manually change (like is described in URL you pointed to) configuration. I would like to amend my script to NOT to use manual intervention. Is it possible to generate default configuration file automatically ? And why I need this ? Because I am going to have all the time the last default config changes. Example: - Let's say I have some settings for i7 2600 sandy bridge. - compare it with generated configuration file with default settings - I would like to know how to do it without manual intervention ? - apply my changes to default config file. - compile kernel with this new config. if this is wrong - so I am looking for some another attitude satisfied not to manually make config changes