ISPConfig + Roundcube sieverules-plugin = ISP_sieverules

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by osterhase, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. osterhase

    osterhase New Member

    Hi there!

    When switching our servers to ISPConfig we had the problem that we already had a roundcube installations up & running and we wanted to keep the roundcube-plugin sieverules because it allows the user to edit his filter-settings from within the webmailer in a quite comfortable manner.

    With the help of the sieverules-plugin-developer (roundcube-team) we wrote a plugin which utilizes the api-functions of ispconfig to establish the communication between roundcube and ISPConfig. Because it was quite a hard struggle we don't want that anybody else has to fight this again. ;)

    Basically from the repo-version of the sieverules-plugin for roundcube 0.6beta onwards a hook was implemented by John_Doe which is utilized by the plugin (we managed to get it also run with rouncube 0.5 stable). ISP-sieverules contacts to ispconfig via the api-interfaces and makes a mail_user update. The sieve-script is written into the custom-rules field in the ispconfig mail_user table and then implemented into the sieve-file.

    Dovecot (with sieve plugin)
    Roundcube 0.6beta (also possible with Roundcube 0.5 stable)
    Sieverules-Plugin (current repo-version contains the hook)

    - Download the plugin unzip and put in your roundcube-plugin directory (add the plugin in your main-config file)
    - Create a remote user for ISPConfig in the Adminstration-Panel
    - Recommended: Create a database-user for the ispdatabase which may only use the SELECT statement
    - configure the plugin via the (contained in the zip-file)

    Have fun! ;)

    Attached Files:

  2. Horfic

    Horfic Member

    Well done, except that the db function just to get the mailuser_id is stupid.

    Use the api for that.

    Its very simple.

    I included as attachment the updated files.

    Attached Files:

  3. osterhase

    osterhase New Member

    Hey Horfic,

    thanks for the optimization of the plugin! I corrected a little mistake which made the plugin not runable and removed a not longer necesarry line from the config-file.

    Furthermore I was informed that the name of the hook that was implemented in the sieverules-plugin is no longer "sieverules_saved" but "sieverules_save" - so I changed that one as well.

    The install instructions are getting easier due to Horfics changes because the (little bit weird) db function rendered unnecessary:
    - Download the plugin unzip and put in your roundcube-plugin directory (add the plugin in your main-config file)
    - Create a remote user for ISPConfig in the Adminstration-Panel
    - configure the plugin via the (contained in the zip-file)

    Have fun out there!

    Attached Files:

  4. osterhase

    osterhase New Member

    Hi there!

    Maybe someone can give me a hand here: Due to the fact that the sieverules-plugin of roundcube allows more complex filtering solutions than ISPConfig we found the require-line which is written by ispconfig insufficient:

    require ["fileinto", "regex", "vacation"];
    Because some of our users are utilizing the copy-function for instance the require line would read:

    require ["fileinto","regex","vacation","copy"];
    As far as I'm concerned the require line is written statically to the dovecot.sieve-file. In which file is this directive defined so we can simply add more sieve-filter-features?
  5. cusco

    cusco New Member

    how ?


    Im trying to enable this solution, however sieverules plugin errors me out because there is no service listening in port 2000 at localhost

    I enabled both isp_sieverules and sieverules.. what am I doing wrong?
  6. osterhase

    osterhase New Member


    sorry for the delay.

    Two options:
    a) Your managesieve-daemon is not running (did you install the sieve-plugin for dovecot properly? See requirements above.)

    b) Your manage-sieve daemon is not listening on the default port (2000). This should be configured in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

    For further informations, see:

    Best regards

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