ISPConfig 3 on Gentoo

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by wrapier, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. wrapier

    wrapier New Member

    Hi Forum,
    Yesterday i was forced to upgrade my ISPConfig 2 to 2.2.40. The reason was that during usual Gentoo updates the libssl was changed and Ispconfig panel could not start anymore.
    While it was easy to get ISPConfig install on Gentoo. I ran into the usual problem:

    I feel that ISPConfig runs pretty fine now on my system and im asking myself if it would be possible to Upgrade to ISPConfig 3?

    Can someone provide a general howto for
    a) Upgrading from ISPConfig 2 to 3.

    b) where to customize the distribution specifics. Is it still the same dist.txt as in ISPConfig 2?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    a) ISPConfig 2 and ISPConfig 3 use a completely different system architecture (Linux user vs. virtual user setup). So ISPConfig 2 can not be updated to ISPConfig 3.

    b) No. There is some unofficial support for gentoo in ispconfig 3, but this is not maintained nor tested anymore. So it might not work at all.
  3. wrapier

    wrapier New Member

    Thanks for the response.
    I think i will stay on ISPConfig 2 for some time.
    Is there a plan how long it will be maintained in the future?

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