hi all , first, i have setup a FC5 machine to try out and learn web basics, rather than setting up some programs on my own machine. its a second machine i have. i have set up rules from router , and it was working pretty well untill i installed ISPconfig . (i was not using Bind , to make zones and such, was using IP instead) my second machine on LAN works pretty well with server . i have registered some zoes and clients via ispconfig. but i have problem with accessing from Net . i have entered my router's IP as first DNS server IP , and when i try to connect by typing site address , it resolves the site's ip as the machine's IP behind NAT , like . i followed perfect setup guide and assigned second IP for network card , which is same of my router's IP (net side, not lan side ) . and installed ISPconfig from scratch . and used that IP to configure . i have now 2 IPs in ISPconfig , and both of them doesnt work . when i ping or traceroute dns addresses from out of that network , it still resolves the adresses with the machine's lan IP . does anyone know why?
You have to use a proxy server to see your localhostnames and the domains your running. I'm also behaind a NAT and use a proxy server..
well, ok . i was reading my own post again, and i can say its a little bit complicated first i installed FC5 , started up and configured apache and ftp . and they worked behind NAT , thats ok . then i installed ISPconfig , and tried to configure it. i am creating zones and such , and they work ok when i test it with my PC on the same LAN with the Server . but when i use a different PC out of that network , it doesnt work . thats my problem. i entered the DNS server address into the machine i am trying to connect to my network , and it resolves DNS as the server's LAN IP ( etc) , not as my router's IP.
I hope you used your public IP address for the DNS records, not your LAN IP address? If you used your LAN IP address, it cannot work from outside your LAN.
Make sure you are entering your routers ip when trying to access your server from outside of your LAN, if you don't know your routers ip then you can get it by going to ipchicken.com from one of the computers inside your LAN. Also do you have all neccessary ports forwarded from your router to your server?
sure . after a couple of more times reinstalling ISPconfig, now i managed to get a reply from server. it seems i made mistakes while installing, by enterin wrong information. but now, all of domains and sites i created now get redirected into default site. no matter what i upload, they are all showing the default page, which tells me that apache is perfectly setup, but now i need to upload site into the default directory and one more thing, when i use webftp from inside ISPconfig, and upload files , i get this error : " FTP: Failed to write Array/.htaccess " thx for the help.
hmm, i cant find this file. is should be be in /etc/apache2 , right? there is no directory called apache2 under /etc ... what should i do? edit: wrong alert, sorry . here it is (found it under /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/ ) : by the way, i have added some more DNS entries, and they are not in this file, is that normal?
Is "**.***.***.**" this your internal or external IP address? Is www.tryout.net an registered domain that points to your external IP address? DNS is handled by the BIND daemon, not apache. So you wont find any BIND related configuration in your apache configuration file.
that is my external IP . and tryuot.net is an address i have created via ISP config. as i said before, that machine is a standalone pc for educational puposes. while ISPconfig installation , due to i have no DNS rented from somewhere else, i used my external IP as domain name . tryout.net and other addresses are BIND entries created via ISPconfig.
The authoritative DNS server for tryout.net is ds1.domainspa.com, and currently tryout.net is pointing to Code: mh1:/var/www/web34/web/empg/web/files/cad_updates# dig tryout.net ; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> tryout.net ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 56924 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;tryout.net. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: tryout.net. 3601 IN CNAME ds1.domainspa.com. ds1.domainspa.com. 3601 IN CNAME hus.parkingspa.com. hus.parkingspa.com. 1738 IN A ;; Query time: 499 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Wed May 17 14:50:22 2006 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 104 Code: mh1:/var/www/web34/web/empg/web/files/cad_updates# dig ns tryout.net ; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> ns tryout.net ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 21868 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;tryout.net. IN NS ;; ANSWER SECTION: tryout.net. 3601 IN CNAME ds1.domainspa.com. ds1.domainspa.com. 3588 IN CNAME hus.parkingspa.com. ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: parkingspa.com. 3601 IN SOA dns1.name-services.com. info.name-services.com. 2002050701 10001 1801 604801 181 ;; Query time: 225 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Wed May 17 14:50:35 2006 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 148
its just an address i made up . doesnt matter any other names i tried before. but now, somehow i managed to work it. i created more (non-taken ) DNS entries , but as i said , they are all pointing only one place, the default apache web folder " /var/www/html " . even doesnt matter if i build and share other sites in ISPconfig.