[ERROR] Courier IMAP : s_connect() failed: No such file or directory

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by xemox, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. xemox

    xemox New Member

    Guide followed : http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-centos-6.0-x86_64-ispconfig-3

    testing stage:
    I. use authtest script
    $ sudo authtest -s smtps  [email protected] validpassword
    Nov 13 08:20:39 server authdaemond: received auth request, service=smtps, authtype=login
    Nov 13 08:20:39 server authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module
    Nov 13 08:20:39 server authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT email, password, "", uid, gid, "/var/vmail", maildir, quota, "", concat('disableimap=',disableimap,',disablepop3=',disablepop3) FROM mail_user WHERE email = '[email protected]'
    Nov 13 08:20:39 server authdaemond: password matches successfully
    Nov 13 08:20:39 server authdaemond: authmysql: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/admin, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n
    Nov 13 08:20:39 server authdaemond: Authenticated: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/admin, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n
    $ sudo authtest -s pop3s  [email protected] validpassword
    Nov 13 08:20:44 server authdaemond: received auth request, service=pop3s, authtype=login
    Nov 13 08:20:44 server authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module
    Nov 13 08:20:44 server authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT email, password, "", uid, gid, "/var/vmail", maildir, quota, "", concat('disableimap=',disableimap,',disablepop3=',disablepop3) FROM mail_user WHERE email = '[email protected]'
    Nov 13 08:20:44 server authdaemond: password matches successfully
    Nov 13 08:20:44 server authdaemond: authmysql: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/admin, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n
    Nov 13 08:20:44 server authdaemond: Authenticated: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/admin, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n
    $ sudo authtest -s imaps  [email protected] validpassword
    Nov 13 08:20:54 server authdaemond: received auth request, service=imaps, authtype=login
    Nov 13 08:20:54 server authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module
    Nov 13 08:20:54 server authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT email, password, "", uid, gid, "/var/vmail", maildir, quota, "", concat('disableimap=',disableimap,',disablepop3=',disablepop3) FROM mail_user WHERE email = '[email protected]'
    Nov 13 08:20:54 server authdaemond: password matches successfully
    Nov 13 08:20:54 server authdaemond: authmysql: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/admin, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n
    Nov 13 08:20:54 server authdaemond: Authenticated: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/admin, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n

    II. telnet / openssl
    $ openssl s_client -connect
    a login [email protected] validpassword
    Nov 13 08:11:23 server imapd-ssl: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Nov 13 08:11:53 server imapd-ssl: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: No such file or directory
    Nov 13 08:11:53 server imapd-ssl: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    Nov 13 08:11:53 server imapd-ssl: authentication error: No such file or directory

    III. Found some clue
      any user run 'authtest' command will fail even a root, with 2 kind of reason:
      1. No suche file or directory
      2. Permission denied
     any user run 'authtest' command using 'sudo' will succeed 

    IV. It's file permission problem and I have no idea to fix this
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must send an email to a new account first before you can fetch emails. The necessary directories will be created automatically when the first mail arrives.
  3. xemox

    xemox New Member

    i did that too. sending an email to [email protected].

    as i report on clue part, it is permission problem.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post an excerpt fro your mail log when you try to send a mail to that account?
  5. xemox

    xemox New Member

    Log (receive and auth)
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server authdaemond: received userid lookup request: [email protected]
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server authdaemond: authmysqllib: connected. Versions: header 50152, client 50152, server 50152
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT email, password, "", uid, gid, "/var/vmail", maildir, quota, "", concat('disableimap=',disableimap,',disablepop3=',disablepop3) FROM mail_user WHERE email = '[email protected]'
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server authdaemond: Authenticated: sysusername=<null>, sysuserid=5000, sysgroupid=5000, homedir=/var/vmail, [email protected], fullname=<null>, maildir=/var/vmail/domain.tld/x, quota=0, options=disableimap=n,disablepop3=n
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server postfix/pipe[7961]: 666AC14588702: to=<[email protected]>, relay=maildrop, delay=0.36, delays=0.06/0.02/0/0.27, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via maildrop service)
    Nov 15 17:59:06 server postfix/qmgr[1283]: 666AC14588702: removed
    Nov 15 18:00:41 server imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Nov 15 18:00:41 server imapd: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: No such file or directory
    Nov 15 18:00:41 server imapd: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    Nov 15 18:00:41 server imapd: authentication error: No such file or directory
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you create the email account though ISPConfig?

    Is SELinux disabled?
  7. xemox

    xemox New Member

    Did you create the email account though ISPConfig?
    -> No
    Is SELinux disabled?
    -> No
    server ~: sudo  find /etc/ -name selinux -ls
    server ~:
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    But the tutorial is for preparing a server for the installation of ISPConfig, and SELinux must be disabled.
  9. xemox

    xemox New Member

    I can not disable selinux because no selinux installed
    server ~: sudo  find /etc/ -name selinux -ls
    server ~:
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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