Updated to 3.0.4, monitoring overview broke

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by zzz, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. zzz

    zzz New Member


    I updated ispconfig from 3.0.3 (I believe) to latest 3.0.4 via root shell. No errors during update.

    Everything seems to work except "System State (All servers)".

    However, there are updates available and my hard disk space is low (87%).
    "Show disk usage" and "Show update state" report that correctly, just the overview page is green.

    Also, when I click the "More information...", no more info appears (I get the same text as above except the more info link).

    So, where do I look for the problem? There are just some PHP notices in apache log and nothing relevant that I could find.

    EDIT: It has been cca 24 hours since update.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2011
  2. pititis

    pititis Member


    Yes I know...it was very useful for me too!
  3. zzz

    zzz New Member

    Good to know I'm not the only one with that problem :).

    Also, not only the link doesn't work, but the background and numbers of warnings, etc are wrong.
  4. snowfly

    snowfly Member

    I am having this same issue too.

    I have 5 servers in a multi-server setup of ISPConfig 3.0.4.
    On the main Monitor page, all 5 servers show GREEN with ticks, and:
    State: ok (0 unknown, 0 info, 0 warning, 0 critical, 0 error)

    However when I drill down into "Show Update State" of various servers, I get a BLUE box with "i" icon, showing updates need to be done.

    Previously the correct statuses would be shown on the main page, not ALL green.
    Now I can't see if various servers need updates, or have disk getting full, from the main page. I have to drill down into each server.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The issue has already been fixed in RC1. See bugtracker link that pitits posted in #2 of this thread.
  6. snowfly

    snowfly Member

    Excellent, thanks!
  7. kiddiak

    kiddiak New Member

    is RC1 a stable release? if not is there a way to fix this in 3.0.4 ?

    on all servers there is "State: ok (0 unknown, 0 info, 0 warning, 0 critical, 0 error)" and nothing more, not the usual info about running services etc.
  8. CSsab

    CSsab New Member

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