kernel problem : Out of memory, Kill process

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Spheerys, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Spheerys

    Spheerys New Member


    I did a perfect installation with debian 6 with only one small website on it (for now).
    This night, the server crash.
    It is the second time in 2 weeks.

    On the syslog, I had this :
    Is there a way to solve this kind of random crashs ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    How many RAM has your server?
  3. Spheerys

    Spheerys New Member

    My server is only 256Mo for now, but with this momero, I can easyly run 20-30 small websites on another servers (which runing ispCP Omega)

    Is ISPConfig need more ressources than ispCP Omega ?
  4. Spheerys

    Spheerys New Member

    I just removed amavis and clamavd because I don't need them.
    It could be a good news for my problem :)
    I will repost here if I still have random crash...
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig itself does not need much resources, its just a set of php scripts and not a daemon, So it does not use any ram if you are not currently logged in or if the server script is run once a minute for a second or two. The resources are used by other software on your server like mysql and the email system. If you installed a full setup as described in the perfect setup guide, then this contains setup e.g. a full spam spam and antivirus scanning daemon etc. and such a full setup requires more then 256 MB RAM. The recommended RAM amount for a full setup is 1GB or more.

    What you can do is that you disable some services like the spam scanner and also disable innodb in mysql to use less RAM.

    Disable spam and antivirus scanning:

    And to disable innodb in mysql, edit the file /etc/mysql/my.cnf and add the line:


    in the [mysqld] section and then restart mysql.
  6. Spheerys

    Spheerys New Member

    Thanks for the explainations Till.
    I have disabled innodb too :)

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