How to access a new site by ip + directory?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by VeeTouine, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. VeeTouine

    VeeTouine New Member


    First, sorry for my english. I a new user of a dedicated server, and choosed ISPConfig + Debian 6.

    I'd like to know how to access to a new website without using DNS, but only the ip of the server + directories where my site is stored.

    Example :
    xx.xx.xx.xx/mysitedirectory/web in my browser address,
    or xx.xx.xx.xx/~mysitedirectory

    Thank you for your help.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. VeeTouine

    VeeTouine New Member

    Thank you for your answer Till,

    Well, i just create a new site ""

    Then, added the line
    to my hosts file (personnal machine running with win XP

    But when i try to go on with my browser, i see the real website, not my test site.

    Is there anything else to do?

    Thank you
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, thats all. I use this on my Windows 7 Workstation to access sites before they golive and I know it works on Windows and Mac as well. Are you sure that you entered in the browser and not e.g. and that you dont have a typo somewhere?
  5. VeeTouine

    VeeTouine New Member


    It works fine, the problem was from my connection. I was trying from my office, with a proxy.

    From my personnal connection, it works ;)

    Thank you very much for your quick answers :)


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