How to install AWStats for Automatic Updating On an already setup ISPConfig 3 Server

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by MrCompTech, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. MrCompTech

    MrCompTech New Member

    The default installation of ISPconfig 3 server uses Webalizer for it's statistics. After reading a bit about Webalizer at From this it seems that Webalizer is very discretionary in how it lumps visitors together and I want a more accurate report of visitors to my web site. This led me to AWStats,

    Visited the AWStats home page on Sourceforge to read the docs/faqs particularly for setup, configuration and use. Found the information there to be rather generic. Suppose if one only had one website setup on their server and if a standard install of the server had been done instead of using ISPConfig3 (which I think is awesome!) the instructions there probably would have sufficed.

    There's more to read...

    You can read the rest of the article at
  2. atran

    atran New Member

    your link doesn't work !
  3. MrCompTech

    MrCompTech New Member

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