clientname FTP user prefix does not make sense

Discussion in 'General' started by kanour, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. kanour

    kanour Member


    Please can you explain me the logic behind having FTP user with a clientname or clientID?

    One client have got 5 websites.
    Every website has got different users.
    Every user should have FTP access to its own user folder.

    Can you explain why to disclose CLIENTNAME login to an ordinary user?

    Maybe I am missing something...
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    FTP users on a server have to be unique for the whole server, not just for a domain. So you can not have a FTP user "admin" on each site without using a prefix, as the username admin can only be used once on the whole server.

    If you dont want to use prefixes, then you can disable them under System > Interface config. But you should be aare that you will get error messages then if you add a duplicate FTP user even if the customer cant see this user as it belongs to another customer.
  3. kanour

    kanour Member


    Is there a way to choose prefix with domainname rather then a clientname? Users remember combination with domainname better then clientid or clientname. Also the domain name does not expose unique clientname, which is used for ispconfig manager login.

    Thank you
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The prefixes are described in chapter " Interface Config" of the ISPConfig 3 manual. The available options are [CLIENTID] and [CLIENTNAME].

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