Hi Folks, On OpenVZ kernel 042stab032.0 and above on Red Hat Linux 6 have a VSWAP capability enabled but ISPConfig3 have a problem on VE creation on newer OpenVZ. The SWAPPAGES parameter not found on the /vz/conf/CTID.conf generated by ISPConfig3 and this cause CT unable do start. This problem is solved using the command "vzctl set CTID --swappages 2G --save" example, but, I want ISPConfig3 do this alone. I find the problem. Have one table called "openvz_vm" with one field called "config" with all parameters write on /vz/conf/CTID.conf file and the parameter SWAPPAGES has not found on this field. Examining de code of VM module of OpenVZ, i don't find where the field "config" is configured. Anyone know were i find this?? I think include the parameter SWAPPAGES on this field to solve this problem. Thank's
Edit the file /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/vm/templates/openvz.conf.tpl and add the parameter there.
Till, I include the this line on the end of openvz.conf.tpl: SWAPPAGES="{tmpl_var name='swappages'}" But this variable don't have value. You can give me some idea? Thank's