How do you have your infrastructure setup for virtualization?

Discussion in 'General' started by damainman, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. damainman

    damainman New Member


    I am very new to ISPCONFIG3 and working on creating a more solid setup on my systems.

    1. I have 2 dedicated servers both running Xen XCP. I would like to use ISPconfig to administer accounts on both servers.

    2. I noticed that ISPconfig allows you to setup openvz accounts. Is there anything further I would need to do to utilize this feature?

    3. Would there be any performance implications if I have ISPconfig running on Xen XCP but use ISPconfig to setup openvz servers?

    My apologies for the noob questions, but any and all advice is much appreciated :).

    Thank you!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think it's not ideal performance-wise to use virtualization inside a virtual machine...
  3. damainman

    damainman New Member

    I am using ISPconfig3 on centos 6.2 not debian. Would I be able to install openvz via

    and then use the link you provided to learn how to administer it via ispconfig or would it not work the same way?

    Thank you again for taking the time, and my apologies for such questions. Just trying to kickstart my understanding so I can proceed forward on my own.
  4. damainman

    damainman New Member

    I have been asking around just to get multiple perspectives as I try to grasp all the information. On another website, a user told me this:

    They then linked to:
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Every kind of virtualisation causes a processing overhead, the overhead is not that big with openvz but it exists. So if you can avoid to get this overhead by running openvz directly on the server os and not in xen, then thats the preferred way.

    If you are running xen VM's already, then you can use openvz inside of course, but thats just a working solution for your existing xen setup and not the way one would want to setup a new system when the choice exists to avoid xen at all.

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