Use Ubuntu Home Folder in Mint?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pbhill, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. pbhill

    pbhill New Member

    After reading about Mint 13 in your Howto section, I'd like to try it. I've been an Ubuntu user for a long while, but am unsure about their new endeavors. I need to know if I can to keep my Ubuntu Home folder when installing Mint, the same as I would if upgrading in Ubuntu.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I haven't tried this, but I think this should work (I think there's an option in the installer).
  3. CSch

    CSch New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It appears to be working if you do not format the drive you install mint on upon installing and enter the same username you used on Ubuntu. However to make sure everything works as you want it to you might set up a system model in a virtualbox to simulate the process before you actually do it on your machine (I recommend that).

    In the installation, select Something else on the Installation Type window and set the partition up so you don't format it. Later, enter the username you use on Ubuntu when you set up the first system user.

    I tried this on a virtual machine, so no guarantee that anything will work for you - and of course, only the home folder was kept in my test. All installed programs etc. have to be reinstalled.

    Before you perform anything on your machine, make backups of all important data.

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