Hi ISPC-Crowd, at first I have to state that I really love ISPC and its incredible feature-rich environment. But the optics are not really what I fell in love with. While already dynamically loading content via ajax requests in the style of a true web 2.0 application the styling is a little to clean and "bright" for my taste. So I decided to go and convert the brand-new "larry" theme of the Roundcube 0.8beta (and the standard theme of the stable 0.8) into an ispc-theme. The project is named "ispc-larry". I created the git-repo at https://github.com/foe-services/ispc-larry for easy public access. Since the licenses of both the "default ispc theme" and the "Roundcube larry theme" are most unrestrictive I am going with a conversion of the larry-theme with the ispc-default as a basis. Main characteristics: HTML5 Deployment via ISPC repository feature (ispc.foe-services.de/public coming soon) Look and feel of "Roundcube larry" in desktop browsers Responsive design OR native iPhone support as web-app Roadmap: (to be updated/changed) Timeline: TBD v0.1: First unstable release of ispc-larry for ISPConfig Firefox support (my main production browser) v0.2: Chrome support IE9 support v0.3: Safari support Opera support v1.0 first stable release of ispc-larry v1.1 form-only login-page v2.0 native iPhone support OR responsive design More Ideas? Wishes? Post it below. As you can read in the README at github: Contributions are always welcome. So fork away and send me your pull-requests. Maybe someone is also interested in co-managing the repo? Contact me. This would really help getting this done quicker and reducing the risk of dying away because of too less time for it on my end. Hope you will like it, Christian Github: https://github.com/cfoellmann SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/users/cfoellmann Mail: foellmann@foe-services.de
If you like to ensure that your theme gets maintained in future and gets adapted to new ispconfig versions, you might publish it in the official ispconfig SVN repository were all other themes get maintained. To get SVN access for your theme contact by email to dev [at] ispconfig [dot] org
Update UPDATE: -> v0.0.5 First time to show some of the design. http://open-source.foe-services.de/screens/ispc-larry_v005.png Still a lot of work to be done! The roadmap has changed and so I decided to move it out of the README to https://github.com/foe-services/ispc-larry/issues/milestones
UPDATE: -> v0.1.1 for ISPConfig Screenshot: http://open-source.foe-services.de/screens/ispc-larry_v011.gif Download: https://github.com/foe-services/ispc-larry/tags Installation and more: https://github.com/foe-services/ispc-larry/wiki
"Watch" the repo on GitHub to let me know you like the functionality and/or post below. And as always: Contributations are always welcome
Thank you for a really good looking theme! Finally I can impress on my clients with a professional control panel. For the client side, the only problem I've found is the "Add new website" icon in the "middle" navigation, the icon is not showing but a blank square. Other than that, it's perfect on the "looki looki" side For the server side, some problems occur. What I remember right now: The scrolling of long info pages does not work (the text continues on some pages but no scrollbar). Multiple servers does not show up at the monitor start page (my first server is not there but my second is ). Other than that, it's a really good looking and stylish theme. Great Work man!! EDIT: I'm using the "stable" version 0.1 on ISPConfig!
You should use the latest ISPConfig version! EDIT: Sorry current is of course I will look into your remarks this weekend and hopefully resolve the problems by monday.
Load the latest code from GitHub. The templates for the monitor module are fixed. But I can not reproduce the icon problem you described. Please pitch me a screenshot.
Hello again and sorry for the late reply, have been working a bit too much lately.. First, about the icon problem.. Must have been some weird problem at that time because no matter how much I reloaded the page, the icon was still white. But now everything is as it should, so sorry for that. It was a quick review and I didn't actually troubleshoot the problem 100%.. As for the update, I will try it out this weekend and let you know of the results Best regards, Mattias
Thanks for your feedback. I found a few not-perfect pages and will push a few commits the next days. Please do not hesitate to open as many issues as possible on github https://github.com/foe-services/ispc-larry/issues Would be a very helpful
Got time to try it out, all the problems that occurred are fixed and I cannot find anything else THANK YOU! One thing that I've thought about though.. Regardless of what theme you'r using, the admin Home page is always slow to load, but not the clients home page. Is this the theme's problem or the overall ISPConfig? Maybe it's my fault? If it's the theme, there you have something to improve over the default theme Best regards, Mattias
The RSS feed needs to be loaded on the dashboard. That is the only thing different from the other pages. Please try to remove the feed and try to load the dashboard. I have the problem sometimes on my local vm dev machine when my connection is blocked by a download or something
Whoa, I'm impressed, it's a very nice theme. I've just installed it on my testing server. It's cool for people like me who are really bad at web layout stuff. One request from me is, if you ever discontinue working on the theme then please post that somewhere, don't let it die a slow death. That just happens too often here and there. Might sound pessimistic but I don't intend to sound like that -- don't get me wrong. Good job so far, looking forward to further updates.
Thanks. If you have not done already watch the repo on GitHub to show me your interest. Post issues on GitHub concerning problems and bad display of elements in non-Firefox usage to help me optimize further. I can ensure you I am not planning to discontinue it - I am committed to ISPConfig and the theme is used by myself for my customers due to the nature of GitHub it is possible for anyone to fork the repo and continue it I will post all changes and updates in this thread here and via GitHub Just this minute was released so I will update the theme today for the new version of ISPConfig if necessary. I branched the repo and started preparing for 3.0.5 - the next major release - already! I hope to push out the update on the same or the day after the 3.0.5 release A little announcement: Till was so nice to implement a little hook (http://bugtracker.ispconfig.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=2289) to be release with 3.0.5 making it unnecessary to overwrite any files with ispc-larry! So it will not be necessary to reinstall ispc-larry after every update.
ANNOUNCEMENT: v0.1.2 is compliant with ISPConfig (do not forget to re-install ispc-larry after the update!)
Did you use the tarball or the tag-version? I removed a lot of flags by the last commit. It might have been a mistake. I will revert the change. You should overwrite the theme with the 0.1.2-release https://github.com/foe-services/ispc-larry/tags