Installing Apache2 with PHP5 and MySQL Support on Ubuntu 12.04

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Dan Healy, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Dan Healy

    Dan Healy New Member

    I have followed your tutorial with this title with some success:

    2 - Installing MySQL 5 worked as expected.

    3 - Installing Apache2 worked but gave an IP address of instead of When I opened in the browser I got "It works!".

    4 - Installing PHP5 worked as expected.

    5 - Testing PHP5 worked as expected and I was able to show info.php in the browser.

    6 - Getting MySQL Support in PHP5 appeared to work. I didn't run apt-cache search php5, I just selected php5-mysqland php5-gd from the list in the tutorial. I then did Apache2 restart.

    7 - phpMyAdmin I ran apt-get install phpmyadmin and answered the two questions correctly, but it did not show in /var/www. I couldn't find it, so I tried to install it again and it told me it was already installed.

    I am trying to port my application from 10.04 to 12.04. MySQL with 12.04 took my dump.sql and permissions.sql with no apparent problems. When I opened my application in the browser I had to use as the IP address, and not localhost or When I tried to connect to the database my application returned the following message:

    Could not connect to the database.
    mysql error number: 1045
    mysql error: Access denied for user 'LSStudent'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    The host and user entries in the user table from the mysql database are below:

    mysql> select host, user from user;
    | host | user |
    | % | LSAdmin |
    | % | LSAuthor |
    | % | LSStudent |
    | | root |
    | ::1 | root |
    | dan-K54C | |
    | dan-K54C | root |
    | localhost | |
    | localhost | debian-sys-maint |
    | localhost | root |

    Apparently my users are not associated with any host, so cannot be found. How do I find my users, and how do I find phpmyadmin?

    Thanks for reading this. I hope you can help.

    Dan H.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You probably use a different MySQL password on the new server, so you need to change it in your application's configuration.
  3. Dan Healy

    Dan Healy New Member

    My application is working

    I appreciate your reply, but with my limited knowledge, I didn't understand what to do. I decided to eliminate anonymous and users with ::1 or % host field. I then re-ran
    my permissions.sql script. That seemed to solve the problem. My application is working on localhost.

    If Ihave to rebuild my system again I will run your script and, after step 2 - Installing MYSQL 5, I will check the user table in mysql and remove any anonymous users before going to step 3.

    Dan H

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