VNC & KDE - connecting to the previous session in SUSE 10.1

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by mariojjsimoes, May 31, 2006.

  1. mariojjsimoes

    mariojjsimoes New Member

    Hello, all,

    Has anyone come across this issue?
    I am running SUSE 10.1 and KDE. As i don't have (and don't want to) a monitor to to connect to that computer i am using VNC to connect to my SUSE 10.1 box. However if for some reason the vnc connection is dropped i can no longer connect to that same session again.
    Does anyone know of a way to do this? It is very anoying as you loose whatever unsaved work you had on that session.

    Thanks in advance:) !

    Mário Simões
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I assume you might have to kill the previous VNC session on the server first.
  3. mariojjsimoes

    mariojjsimoes New Member

    That doesn't solve the main issue...

    Thanks for your reply.

    In deed, this is a way clear up resources and not to leave the session running.

    But in fact what i wanted is a way to continue working where i left off.

    Something like when you attach to console (mstsc /console) in windows xp:eek: running remote desktop connection. Basically, if you abruptly close a session, when you connect back you attach to same session again.

    Does anyone know how to do this?


    Mario Simoes
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I have no idea. Maybe the VNC documentation knows something about this?
  5. psychojoy

    psychojoy New Member

    I have the same problem!

    Did anyone solve this?

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