Hi, I wrote this simple script to sync sites between remote locations. I have tested with joomla and it works good, but I think it needs to be improved. The script works good with the root user using login with authentication keys. My concerns are related to the database. I am using rsync for mysql sync, it has work find, but something tells me it is not the best idea. Specially if the origin is writing at the moment of sync. Ideas to improve this script? Code: #!/bin/bash #### Configuration web servers### #Remote Web server servidorWebDest= #local directorio. Be sure to include "/" at the ende dirWebLocal='/var/www/html/' #remote directory to sync dirWebRemoto='/var/www/html/' #exclude files from sync exluidos='configuration.php' #remote user usuarioSshWeb='root' #### Data Base### #Remote database server servidorRemotoBd= #Ssh user for the remote database usuarioSshBd='root' #local database directory. Put "/" at the end dirBdLocal='/var/lib/mysql/dataName' #remote database directory dirBdRemota='/var/lib/mysql/dataName' #Sync web server rsync -azpP --exclude $exluidos $dirWebLocal $usuarioSshWeb@$servidorWebDest:$dirWebRemoto echo "Stop remote database" ssh $usuarioSshBd@$servidorRemotoBd service mysqld stop #Sync Database rsync -azpP $dirBdLocal $usuarioSshBd@$servidorRemotoBd:$dirBdRemota #Start database echo "Start remote database" ssh $usuarioSshBd@$servidorRemotoBd service mysqld start
hi rafael, instead of using rsync to export and import the database you should use mysqldump, below is a quick example of a bash script i've made. What you could do is use rsync to copy the tar file to the new server, extract it there and then use mysql -p <database name> < <name of sql file>.sql.