Hello World! Assume I have ISPC3 on a Centos box with and domain example.tld as the main server. In the same LAN there is my CALDAV-server with How can I tell ISPC3 to route caldav.example.tld to I followed a hint creating a DNS record: "Login to ispconfig, go to the dns manager, edit the zone were the subdomain shall be added, go to the records tab and click on the "A" button. Then enter: 'Hostname: caldav' / 'IP address:' You can test this with dig after you waited a few minutes." DIG does not show any change and the browser still shows the website. Even after ten minutes.
DNS Servers are caching records, it may take up to 24 hours until you can see the cahnge in the browser.
I'm not sure about the nature of the IP address of the A record. Usually it seems to be an external WAN address. But in my case its LAN. Will it work though?