My DNS adventure

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by noni, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. noni

    noni New Member

    I think I´ll start with a big THANK YOU to everyone that has contributed to this forum, writing tutorials and replying to topics. It has been a major help. I bought the ISPConfig manual but did not have the answers that I was looking for but assisted me in other things.

    I´m a Linux newbie setting up my own Debian server and ISPConfig on top. It´s been a steep learning curve since I´ve postponed writing a support-thread and tried to figure this out myself. I´ve been going in circles so hopefully someone here can assist me in getting this right.

    I followed this tutorial.

    In the end of this thread I put the relevant settings so you get a better picture of how my system looks.

    Here are a couple of questions:

    1. How can I create ns1 and ns2 on my server if I only have one computer running all the services (web, dns, ftp, mail, et.c.)?

    2. My registrar is IXWEBHOSTING but I was not able to put the static IP issued by my ISP as a DNS. Although, I was able to add the DNS of a freeDNS account I have at a local organization. I therefore assume that my DNS settings are not correct.

    3. My machine has two NIC´s. Is it possible (or even a good idea) to connect the WAN straight to the machine and put the router behind it?

    4. During the Debian install I gave my host a name (server1) and used a domain I have (e.g. at IXWEBHOSTING as my network domain. Is there perhaps somekind of conflict since I can´t change the DNS at IX? After reading the Debian doc I changed resolv.conf, hosts and hostname and added a new domain and host name but I´m not sure if that was smart of me.

    So how can I have everything work using BIND as the DNS server for the required ns (ns1, ns2) on one machine?

    I´m completely lost. Thanks for your patience.

    Here are my settings.

    DNS: and
    Port forward: 80, 8080, 53

    domain eastside
    search eastside



    /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost maur.eastside maur

    # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
    ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
    fe00::0 ip6-localnet
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This is the wrong tutorial as it is for ISPConfig 2. You should use one of these:

    Some registrars won't accept having two name servers on the same IP. You should ask your registrar.
  3. Barryvdw

    Barryvdw New Member

    Re: Dns

    The entire idea of having a NS1 and a NS2 is for redundancy. By having it on one machine defeats the purpose of having NS1 and NS2.

    Should your primary computer go down there would be no way for your domain to resolve to an IP address.

    Thus it’s better to use 2 IP addresses or 2 computers as DNS Servers

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