Hello, Today my master server is a all in one. ISPConfig 3 Master, web, mail, ftp, db. But I would like to split it up, so that ISPConfig3 master (control panel), get its own virtual machine, and the services stay as their own virtual machine. Is it possible to split up the ispconfig database, so that I can use the control panel on separate machine, and the services on same machine as today?
ressel, I've successfully followed this guide a few weeks ago: http://www.howtoforge.com/multiserv...se-servers-on-debian-squeeze-with-ispconfig-3 The tutorial is about a year old and I did it on some virtual machines running ubuntu 12.04.1. One reaction I have is that when clicking on the phpMyAdmin UI icon in the Database configuration tab it takes me to the main server database, not the actual database that is being stored on the database-server. Maybe I missed a step in the guide or should have configured a mysql-db-mirroring setup. Anyway, I did this to get a feeling for how well the different servers performed and am not disturbed by this right now. However this is an issue, maybe it is already raised? I have no time to check atm. (Edit) There is another tutorial for how the issue I mentioned above seem to be resolved: http://www.howtoforge.com/managing-...-phpmyadmin-installation-using-ssl-encryption Note that I do not know anything about the internal workings of ISPConfig database tables about the communication between the servers so I cannot advice. Some thoughts from my head though. Maybe you could start with creating the new virtual db-server that you set it up according to the tutorial at the top of this post. Then setup a new test domain & db in your current setup, export this database to the new virtual db-server and see if it is possible to make ispconfig connect to it. Regards, Peter