I installed SuSE12.2 (64bit) with apache, dovecot,postfix and ISPConfig 3 last version, according of your tutorial! I can't start phpmyadmin and squirrelmail on any browser. When i start any of this browser try to start PHP script..What is reason of this?. Not worked and MySQL db for my web sites.? Why?
Did you create a website through ISPConfig, and did you try to access phpMyAdmin through that website (e.g. www.example.com/phpMyAdmin or www.example.com/phpmyadmin)?
Re: creating web sites After first web site(which is not as your example) and phpmyadmin and squirrelmail not worked. All time open index.php of this. I tray get real address or server name or web site name but result is the same. this not work!!!
Not sure what is wrong, but if I can give you a recommendation: use Debian or Ubuntu, not OpenSUSE. ISPConfig is developed primarily on Debian/Ubuntu.