Hi there Guys I'm quite, if not very, new to linux so please forgive me lol. I'm liking what I see so far just a few things I've had to sort out, most of which google has been great but this problem I can't seam to find an answer. I'm running FC5 on a PowerMac G4 and when I preform a reboot either from the command line or from the GUI the mac shuts off and when it re-boots it goes looking for the mac os.... FC5 is the only OS on the HD and this is the only HD in the G4? I obviously get a flashing question mark (which anyone here that know mac means it cant find the os) On a normal boot the boot loader loads FC5 100% a-ok! Thanks in advanced Tom
Hi there I get a "First stage Fedora Core Bootstrap" allowing me to boot to open firmware, from cd, from linux etc etc then I get the Yaboot screen. From a reboot I dont see either it goes straight to the flashing question mark.
But it works when you shutdown the computer and then start it again? Must be a problem with the BIOS, I guess...