SquirrelMail Error when attempting to login

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by cmccrea, May 28, 2012.

  1. cmccrea

    cmccrea New Member

    I have followed the instructions for setting up Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) but when I attempt to login with the test user account via the web front end I get an error.

    Error: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

    Anyone had a similar error and have managed to resolve it?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are there any errors in your mail log (in the /var/log/ directory)?
  3. Totenkopf

    Totenkopf New Member

    I've got the same error, with the same tutorial, but under CentOS 6.3

    POP3 and IMAP are both available, in a telnet session they respond without any errors, my only problem is the login. Is it possible, that the scripts can't handle passwords with special characters? Or maybe the error is within the "/etc/authlib/authmysqlrc"?

  4. Totenkopf

    Totenkopf New Member

    By the way: If i try to login to squirrelmail with the crypt hash, i recieve a "password or username wrong" error and not a "IMAP connection reset"!
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are there any errors in your mail log (in the /var/log/ directory)?
  6. Totenkopf

    Totenkopf New Member

    Got the error -> I need to send a mail from external first to the mail address, then the home dir gets created and i can login. Not the best way to solve this issue, but now it works.
  7. skehoe

    skehoe New Member

    Same issue with IMAP

    Hey folks, I'm experiencing a similar issue with logging in to Squirrelmail where i get the
    ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

    IMAP is running on port 143 so that is not the problem. I suspect the problem may have to do with not having a maildir, but following the Howtoforge guide I sent myself an email using
    mailx [email protected]

    I've also tried sendmail [email protected]

    and I've also tried sending mail from my gmail account to the newly created [email protected].

    I think maybe sendmail isn't working properly, or the server is not receiving these emails that are being sent. I'm very new to setting up e-mail on my own server and know little outside the guide. The only way I deviated from the guide for setting up IMAP/Courier/Squirrelmail on Fedora 17 was where the guide used server1.example.com as its FQDN I used stockwars.org since that is the domain name that points to me server. I'm not sure if I should have prepended server1 to the domain name resulting in server1.stockwars.org or if that makes a difference. Here is a small excerpt of my maillog in /var/log - any other logs you need please ask and I'll be happy to post! Thanks so much in advance!

    Dec 16 16:17:28 oohaysmlm sendmail[13707]: qBGLH6fI013707: from=skehoe, size=83, class=0, nrcpts=0, msgid=<[email protected]>, relay=root@localhost
    Dec 16 16:17:45 oohaysmlm imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Dec 16 16:17:45 oohaysmlm imapd: chdir stockwars.org/skehoe/: No such file or directory
    Dec 16 16:17:45 oohaysmlm imapd: [email protected]: No such file or directory
    Dec 16 16:18:05 oohaysmlm clamd[31586]: SelfCheck: Database modification detected. Forcing reload.
    Dec 16 16:18:05 oohaysmlm clamd[31586]: Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
    Dec 16 16:18:08 oohaysmlm clamd[31586]: Database correctly reloaded (1380884 signatures)
    Dec 16 16:18:13 oohaysmlm imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Dec 16 16:18:13 oohaysmlm imapd: chdir stockwars.org/webmaster/: No such file or directory
    Dec 16 16:18:13 oohaysmlm imapd: [email protected]: No such file or directory
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you send yourself an email again and at thr same time look at the mail log? Do you see any errors then?
  9. skehoe

    skehoe New Member

    Mail Server Problems

    So since my last post, my gmail account did send me a message back saying mail could not be delivered to [email protected]. I suspect I will have to go follow the Fedora 17 installation guide again to get it working properly as sending and receiving mail doesnt seem to be working in general. I guess where im confused is when im setting up the different config files what I use as my "FDQN". The domain I own is stockwars.org, and the proper A and Cname records are set up for this as well as an MX record for mail.stockwars.org. Does this mean when going through the howtoforge guide I use just stockwars.org or server1.stockwars.org like the server1.example.com I see used as an example. I guess for a start id like to just get sendmail actually working and build off of that. Here is my current mail log, it did not respond this time at all when I used sendmail, however sendmail appeared to execute without error. This was the last thing in my mail log, from about 30 minutes before I just used sendmail

    Dec 16 04:12:40 oohaysmlm amavis[9961]: starting. /usr/sbin/amavisd at localhost amavisd-new-2.6.6 (20110518), Unicode aware, LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    Dec 16 04:12:40 oohaysmlm amavis[9961]: Perl version 5.014003
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Net::Server: Group Not Defined. Defaulting to EGID '987 987'
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Net::Server: User Not Defined. Defaulting to EUID '990'
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Amavis::Conf 2.209
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Archive::Zip 1.30
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module BerkeleyDB 0.49
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Compress::Zlib 2.052
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Convert::TNEF 0.17
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Convert::UUlib 1.4
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA 0.28
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module DBD::mysql 4.020
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module DBI 1.617
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module DB_File 1.821
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Digest::MD5 2.51
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module Digest::SHA 5.61
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module IO::Socket::INET6 2.69
    Dec 16 04:12:41 oohaysmlm amavis[9962]: Module MIME::Entity 5.502

    The sendmail command I used was the following

    sendmail [email protected]
    FROM: [email protected] (not a real account)
    SUBJECT: test

    Thanks again for the help :)
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you create an A record for mail.stockwars.org that points to your server?

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