monitor bandwidth via mrtg logs Error on Nagios

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by dilanmic, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. dilanmic

    dilanmic New Member


    I have installed Nagios 3.2.3 with Nagios Plugins 1.4.15, Net-snmp 5.7.1 to Ubuntu 11.10. I am getting following errors message when I try to monitor bandwidth via MRTG logs,

    "check_mrtgtraf: Unable to open MRTG log file"

    Here is the script of my switch.cfg:

    # Monitor bandwidth via MRTG logs
    define service
    use generic-service
    host_name linksys-srw224p
    service_description Port 1 Bandwidth Usage
    check_command check_local_mrtgtraf!/var/lib/mrtg

    * There is NO mrtg in /var/lib/ directory
    * But there is check_mrtg and check_mrtgtraf plugins in /usr/loacl/nagios/libexec directory

    Do anyone can help me about this problem?
    Thanks in advance...
  2. dilanmic

    dilanmic New Member

  3. mpi

    mpi New Member

    Nagios with MRTG

    Hi all,

    Im using nagios and mrtg ... mrtg is installed and i can see the graphs on http://localhost/mrtg ... and on nagios in the switch.cfg file i have the following

    but check_local_mrtgtraf is for local machine (if im not ling my self) and if i used check_mrtgtraf im getting an error while restarting nagios /etc/init.d/nagios restart ... is there any solution for this ??/ what im doing wrong ???

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