Interest in ISPConfig theme?

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by fourleafed, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. fourleafed

    fourleafed New Member

    Hi guys,

    I am new to this forum so please be kind to me ;) I am currently working on a full redesign of the ISPConfig theme I am using for my small design firm (FourLeafed). The theme is responsive so it will adapt to the screen it is viewed on (from smartphone to widescreen desktop monitor).

    I am thinking of creating several colourschemes and making it available for purchase and I am curious if you are interested in it and have suggestions.

    Why go premium? I have been part of the Jobberbase development team for several years (open source jobboard script). I have learned that it wasn't feasible to give support and continue development of the themes when they were free to download.

    I am looking forward to your comments! Do you like the attached screenshots, what would you be willing to pay for it and what advice would you give to me?

    Cheers, Evert

    Attached Files:

  2. webguyz

    webguyz Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Other then the color (which hurts my eyes ;-), the design looks interesting. Seems there has been a lot of interest lately in developers making themes and thats a good thing. I think theme developers can make a few bucks if they have some really good themes, but not so sure it would make you rich.

    I don't see a Search bar at the top so this must be for version 3.0.4x. Make sure you develop for 3.0.5 since that will be released any day now
  3. fourleafed

    fourleafed New Member

    @webguyz Thanks for your suggestions. It is indeed running on ISP 3.0.4, so it will be updated if I'm going to sell it. I have been looking into .5 this morning, so it is a good tip from you.

    And I am not out to become rich from selling themes. I just do what I like the most: developing sites and themes :)
  4. onastvar

    onastvar Member

    I like the colors & design, great job! I think if the theme is made responsive I would be interested to purchase it. I think you should be able to sell it for around $35 to $45
  5. Good Job!

    Looks great! The only advice is color options for the theme. Please let me know if you need a tester. I will be happy to test it and provide feedback/bugs. I would pay for it.
  6. bvbmedia

    bvbmedia New Member

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