Hi Guys, I'd know if somebody here can help me to check what's wrong on my Postfix configuration ISSUE the qaligo.com server is behind my router home (my ISP block the 25 port) I opened on my router the 465 and 587 port but using the test command to send my email on my log file I read: my /etc/postfix/main.cf my /etc/postfix/master.cf I don't know if it's all you need to understand what's wrong thank you in advance S
I need to send email from that server My friend is telling me that my ip is dynamic and to have an smtp mailserver I need a static ip, that's it correct? thks, S
Yes, almost all dynamic IPs are blacklisted. This link might be of interest: http://www.howtoforge.com/postfix_relaying_through_another_mailserver