GoDaddy wildcard SSL for all services

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by alecvannoten, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. alecvannoten

    alecvannoten New Member

    Hi guys,

    first of all, great work on that ISPconfig 3 panel!
    Especially the multiserver works good!

    But, I do have a question.

    I made a new ssl in ispconfig and signed it at GoDaddy wildcard SSL (the cheapest not extended tralala validation etc) and implemented it successfully on my website and it works on all subdomains perfect with trusted green bar etc.

    So now I have csr, srt and key files in my ssl folder of that website.

    As I also want to use it for SMTP, IMAPs, POPs, sFTP, the ispConfig cp and EVERY OTHER thing you can imagine ;)

    Can I just copy the files I hve in that web SSL directory to the ISP config SSL directory and rename them?

    I read many on this forum, but none of the answers seem to work...

    Thanks in advance for helping me.
  2. Parsec

    Parsec Member

    The first thing you have to do is tell us what smtp, pop/imap, ftp and web server types you are running :)

    But yes, you can use it for everything - you just have to make sure you provide the ssl in the right format. Some things want key/cert/CA files, some want it done in pem formats and so on.

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