SSH error

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Tripple, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Tripple

    Tripple New Member

    I'm testing and trying ISPConfig

    I created a client and a site.
    Now I'm trying to play around.
    FTP works fine. I can upload files to the site.
    However, when I ssh to the server and try to close a file with vim I get:
    E138: Can't write viminfo file /var/www/clients/client1/web2/.viminfo!

    Looks like a permission problem.
  2. Tripple

    Tripple New Member

    Of course I get this error:
    drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 apr 7 23:08 web2

    But all I tried was to setup a simple site for a testclient. He shouldn't get any errors, right?

    Anyway, that client can even see the complete server:
    $ cd /
    $ ls
    $ cd /var/www
    $ ls


    I guess I have to learn quite a lot. ISPConfig 3 looks like a nice but complicated piece of software.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You missed to enable jailkit for the user.
  4. Transmaniacon MC

    Transmaniacon MC New Member

    Rather than start a new thread, I found this one describing my problem exactly. I hope I behaved correctly.

    I created site, I created FTP user and uploaded files, I created shell user and after editing and saving a file (using vi), I was greeted with:
    The file is in fact saved as edited, but I get the error message.

    So I searched and found this thread. After logging off, enabling jailkit for the shell user in ISPCONFIG interface, and then logging in again, I see nothing when performing "ls". Therefore, I disable jailkit for the user, and after logging in again the user can see and edit the files again, but again with the error message.

    What does this mean? Can I "fix" things so the shell user doesn't get this warning?

    Thank you,

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