Creating a Theme for ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by smartyscripts, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. smartyscripts

    smartyscripts Banned

    perfect I will create a new directory for every new theme

    this is just the first and yeah you are right I will create a diferent directory for every theme I have this setup as default but i will change it the soones i am done with the first one

    this is another screen shot for the second one, I will try to finish both in a few days

    the last 3 screenshoots are for the black new style I am working too, I will realized these two by next week

    I love dessign but I do have a job so be pattient , almost done, I almost forgot how to implement the login form to be these way, it was no hard its just that when I started this proyect a year ago I did it in a different way, the idea now its to make these themes compatible with new ispconfig versions so most of the dessign its made by css, and I am traying no to use images, just pure css, I like gray colors light and dark but any sugestions will be appreciated,
    I am thinking to make a white and green conbination theme o may be red and white, I will try to make a least 5 different themes.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
  2. sjswarts

    sjswarts New Member

    They both look brilliant... Cheers smartyscripts
  3. rogershado

    rogershado New Member

    Any opdate on relase time of this nice lokking templates
  4. smartyscripts

    smartyscripts Banned

    almost done with the themes

    I hope to finish all them by the end o January
  5. webguyz

    webguyz Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Will they be 3.0.5 ready?
  6. rogershado

    rogershado New Member

    Thank you for the information i be looking forward to end of January :)
  7. rogershado

    rogershado New Member

    Sorry to ask again but are you close to a release of the themes
    i realy hope because they look asume:p
  8. rogershado

    rogershado New Member

    Hi Richiestone

    Since smartyscripts is your neighbor and you se him every day
    Could you then kindly ask if the themes annonced will be released ever ??
    Last he annonced late january but now whe are close to end off february and nothing happens not even a answer to email!

    I think its sad because the look of hes work are nice and it would be a refreshing to ispconfig look standard look like Nahh


    Roger Shado
  9. bvbmedia

    bvbmedia New Member

  10. MaddinXx

    MaddinXx Member

    More than amazing!
  11. abdi

    abdi Member

    Thanks Maddinxx :)

    BTW: for those of you who don't want to go through the hassle of drive testing it LIVE with a FREE demo package, here are snapshots

    Personally, I must say (believe me or NOT) ISPConfig3 is the most powerful control panel on the planet ...I have worked with Plesk and cPanel ...but boy there is non that has UNLOCKED the creativity in me like ISPConfig3. These guyz have done an amazing Job with ISPConfig3 and the least we can offer them is a subscription ...
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  12. kinomitech

    kinomitech New Member

    A new clean theme for ispconfig 3.0.5

    Hi all,

    Please see the attached screen shots of the new 'kinomitech' theme for the ispconfig 3.0.5. This theme is based on the 'default' theme, but inspired by the requests in this thread to have a 'clean' and 'simple' theme. Based on the requests I can make this available under the GPL license for a very nominal fee of £5.00 (to cover my hosting and bandwidth expenses). I will try to get a demo running for this if there is sufficient demand.


    Attached Files:

    • 1.jpg
      File size:
      65.1 KB
    • 2.jpg
      File size:
      28.7 KB
    • 3.jpg
      File size:
      42 KB
  13. grungy

    grungy Member

  14. grungy

    grungy Member

    playing with bootstrap

    Attached Files:

  15. suther

    suther Member

    Where can i got this theme? kinomitech
    Last edited: May 9, 2014
  16. kinomitech

    kinomitech New Member


    Sorry for the late reply, I wasn't following this post. I will post the link to download the theme here soon. Further, for the benefit of this community, I will make this available free of charge.

    Thanks and regards

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  17. jishnu

    jishnu New Member

    gay theme

    This gray theme looks awesome
    any way to get it ? download link maybe ?

  18. webguyz

    webguyz Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    The author kinomitech promised to make it available about a month ago, but starting to think that's not going to happen.

    The next version of ISPConfig will be out soon (October?) and supports Bootstrap (3.0?) so these themes won't work with it anyway. Willing to bet there will be a lot more themes available after its released as there are a lot of Bootstrap templates in other things like WP, Joomla and hopefully they will be easily adapted to ISPConfig.

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