cant sedn email trought sqirrelmail

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by DUCKFACE, May 17, 2013.


    DUCKFACE Banned

    i cant send emails from web interface squirrelmail
    i get this error
    Message not sent. Server replied:

        Requested action aborted: error in processing
        451 4.3.5 <localhost[]>: Client host rejected: Server configuration error
    and here is the mail.log
    May 17 22:50:01 server postfix/smtpd[30749]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
    May 17 22:50:01 server postfix/smtpd[30749]: disconnect from localhost[]
    May 17 22:53:48 server dovecot: auth-worker(30837): mysql(localhost): Connected to database dbispconfig
    May 17 22:53:48 server dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=30839, secured, session=<0PNrV+/cvwB/AAAB>
    May 17 22:53:48 server dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out in=44 out=733
    May 17 22:53:49 server dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=30841, secured, session=<nEtyV+/cwAB/AAAB>
    May 17 22:53:49 server dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out in=261 out=1670
    May 17 22:53:49 server dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<[email protected]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=30843, secured, session=<RvdzV+/cwQB/AAAB>
    May 17 22:53:49 server dovecot: imap([email protected]): Disconnected: Logged out in=117 out=1446
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: warning: database /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.db is older than source file /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: connect from localhost[]
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: warning: connect to mysql server Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 451 4.3.5 <localhost[]>: Client host rejected: Server configuration error; from=<office@eXpert-2002> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: lost connection after RCPT from localhost[]
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: disconnect from localhost[]
    May 17 23:00:02 server postfix/smtpd[31634]: warning: database /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.db is older than source file /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
    May 17 23:00:02 server dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (disconnected before greeting, waited 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<nK2tbe/c3QB/AAAB>
    May 17 23:00:02 server postfix/smtpd[31634]: connect from localhost[]
    May 17 23:00:02 server dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<pDKube/crgB/AAAB>
    May 17 23:00:02 server postfix/smtpd[31634]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
    May 17 23:00:02 server postfix/smtpd[31634]: disconnect from localhost[]

    how cam i fix it ?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Looks like your MySQL server isn't running.

    DUCKFACE Banned

    its working.
    all of the sites has mysql support

    DUCKFACE Banned

    anyone help ?
  5. monkfish

    monkfish Member

    I think falko did with the bit highlighted...

    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: warning: connect to mysql server Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    It looks like your mailer cannot confirm virtual recipients configured within ispconfig as it cannot gain correct access to mysql.

    Check /etc/postfix/ see if its got the right username/password/database name in etc for access to ispconfig tables.

    Perhaps install a copy of phpmyadmin, gain access to the databases, see if they are populated properly.

    Check where you are expecting your email to be sent FROM and TO, both email addresses and ip addresses, as this part looks a bit wrong to me:

    May 17 22:55:00 server postfix/smtpd[30886]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 451 4.3.5 <localhost[]>: Client host rejected: Server configuration error; from=<office@eXpert-2002> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
    So, a submission from sending an email with NON-FQDN from name and a possibly invalid HELO name unless you hid the actual name, but if that's the format may still cause a rejection the HELO itself doesnt appear to be FQDN. RFC2821 is your friend.

    Have a look in mailer logs again, are you seeing ANY mail at all eg server messages to root, unless you've redirected them see /var/spool/mail/root.

    Is MYSQL definitely running and can your mailer definitely get the correct access to it?
    Last edited: May 22, 2013

    DUCKFACE Banned

    i hate this. in ISPCONFIG status for mysql server is offline!
    mySQL-Server: Offline
    but its working. i can acces it from phpmyadmin and make query.
    how to see the password for ispconfig user in ispconfig database?

    i have the follow errors in mail.log

    May 24 13:20:02 server postfix/smtpd[20088]: warning: database /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.db is older than source file /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
    May 24 13:20:02 server postfix/smtpd[20088]: connect from localhost[]
    May 24 13:20:02 server dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (disconnected before greeting, waited 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<6DtRJHTdGAB/AAAB>
    May 24 13:20:02 server dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<KZtRJHTd6QB/AAAB>
    May 24 13:20:02 server postfix/smtpd[20088]: lost connection after CONNECT from localhost[]
    May 24 13:20:02 server postfix/smtpd[20088]: disconnect from localhost[]
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/proxymap[20163]: warning: connect to mysql server Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/cleanup[20166]: warning: proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/ lookup error for "[email protected]"
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/cleanup[20166]: warning: C26341E0077: virtual_alias_maps map lookup problem for [email protected] -- deferring delivery
    May 24 13:21:56 server amavis[24720]: (24720-12) Negative SMTP response to data-dot (<[email protected]>): 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error
    May 24 13:21:56 server amavis[24720]: (24720-12) (!)FWD from <[email protected]> -> <[email protected]>,BODY=7BIT 451 4.3.0 from MTA(smtp:[]:10025): 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/cleanup[20166]: warning: proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/ lookup error for "[email protected]"
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/cleanup[20166]: warning: C5C4A1E0077: virtual_alias_maps map lookup problem for [email protected] -- deferring delivery
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/smtpd[20162]: disconnect from localhost[]
    May 24 13:21:56 server amavis[24720]: (24720-12) Blocked MTA-BLOCKED {TempFailedInbound}, <[email protected]> -> <[email protected]>, Message-ID: <[email protected]>, mail_id: cHUzlDDMTADZ, Hits: 1.178, size: 545, 553 ms
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/cleanup[20167]: warning: database /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.db is older than source file /var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/smtp[20159]: 389191E0F50: to=<[email protected]>, orig_to=<root>, relay=[]:10024, delay=2215, delays=2214/0.03/0.01/0.55, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (host[] said: 451 4.3.0 id=24720-12 - Temporary MTA failure on relaying, from MTA(smtp:[]:10025): 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error (in reply to end of DATA command))
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/smtp[20159]: warning: connect to mysql server Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/smtp[20159]: warning: mysql:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    May 24 13:21:56 server postfix/smtp[20159]: warning: 389191E0F50: flush service failure
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  7. monkfish

    monkfish Member

    Told you that in post #5?

    Think about the config - what interacts with the mysql databases and where are you going to find the files?

    In this case I would look in any of the /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_ files

    I would also look in /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf

    Or authlib config files, or even amavisd config files.

    Seems like the mysql ispconfig username/password recorded in those files does not match permissions on the actual database itself. Have you manually copied SQL tables from somewhere else?

    You could investigate whether or not to set permissions via a SQL "GRANT" statement on the database.

    However, you might find the easiest way is to run and then answer "yes" to reconfigure database permissions.
    Last edited: May 24, 2013

    DUCKFACE Banned

    the password in is diferent than the one set for the database. i check it by phpmuadmin. it starts with * .. (it suppose to be in md5 rith).
    what is the easy whay to fix that?
  9. monkfish

    monkfish Member

    Hello Duckface

    The password specified in the file is the ispconfig user password. You need to ascertain if its just the file thats wrong, or whether its wider spread on your server.

    The password in *should* be the same as all the other config files:

    grep password /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_*.cf
    should return ALL the SAME password which *should* be the same as both config files for your ispconfig in the filenames


    If they ALL match then the issue is the password is incorrect. I would be surprised if your backend is working correctly in that case.

    However, if you establish the password is indeed incorrect then may help you to reset it.
    Don't forget you will be resetting the MYSQL ispconfig user password for access to the dbispconfig database and not the admin password inside the dbispconfig sys_user table.

    Perhaps the easiest way will be to use phpmyadmin to reset it.

    Hope that makes sense.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013

    DUCKFACE Banned

    passwords match , /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_*.cf , ispconfig/interface/lib/ and ispconfig/server/lib/ are with same password. so i suppose to change the password in mysql table for user ispconfig? how am i suppose to make it the same as the one in the i see it now in phpmyadmin it starts with * and its diferent than in are they both in MD5 ?
    what is the easiest way ?
    thanks for the answers monkfish :)
  11. monkfish

    monkfish Member

    Hello duckface

    So, the password listed in all your configuration files does not match the password set for the ispconfig user.

    You can either change the password in phpmyadmin to match what you have recorded, or generate a new password and change your config files.

    I would recommend changing the password using phpmyadmin - although its trivial to find all ispconfig files that utilise that password its possible to miss one - I know because I did it!

    In phpmyadmin click on users, and you will see the ispconfig user listed. Next to it click edit privileges and scroll down to change password. I *believe* you will be able to enter the plaintext password exactly as its recorded in one of the config files and mysql will automatically hash it.

    You will soon know if you have the passwords synchronised - I would expect all of your sql errors generated from dbispconfig table lookups to go away.


    DUCKFACE Banned

    i can do that .. but im wondering what if the passwords are colected in the phpmyadmin in other form .. im looking at all of the passwords now .. and i see that they all starts with *
    version of the phpmyadmin is
    even the root password.
  13. monkfish

    monkfish Member

    Yep - you won't be able to "see" the mysql users passwords but you will be able to reset accordingly.

    Get the password from one of the conf files and do something like:

    SET PASSWORD FOR 'ispconfig'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('password');

    Again, you will soon know if you have it right because all the sql errors you're reported before about lookups should go away.

    While you're there have a poke around at phpmyadmin 4.0.3 - latest released version with bug/security fixes. May or may not be appropriate for your platform.


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