I followed howtoforge instructions to setup centos 6.4 with ispconfig. Everything went fine and server is running. the problem is I couldn't find firewall section mentioned in here 2.4 Services (Monitoring and Firewall) There is no "Management" -> "Server" -> "Services" and those three tabs Services,Monitoring,Firewall http://ispconfig.org/downloads/manual_en/manual_admin_en_src.htm I believe bastille is used as firewall but not sure how to configure through ISPConfig. Does this mean I have to manage rules through SSH manually which I'm not familiar that too, newbie here :/
The manual that you link to is for a different software "ISPConfig 2" and not for "ISPConfig 3". The Firewall in ISPConfig 3 is under System > Firewall.
Yes I found that but it has only a few options Server Open TCP ports Open UDP ports Active Let say I want to block SSH port 22 or any other service port except while I'm connected through VPN which gives me a certain static IP. Other than my IP the rest will be blocked for that port. I don't think I can do it only with those 4 options.
The ispconfig firewall exists only to block ports for servcies installed on your server for all IP addresses. It is not made for vpn setups, routing, nat etc. If you need a more advanced rules,you can either set them as custom rules in the bastile-firewall custom rules script or use ufw firewall instaead were you can set them with the ufw firewall cli tool.