Hi, I am a newbie for ISPConfig. I found it very good. At the moment I am using Version 2.2.3. However, I have 2 problems with DNS manager. 1. I want to change Default TTL when I create a new zone. What I did was editing the form of dns_ttl in "dns - DNS Eintrag" from 86400 to 7200. Since then whenever I create a new zone, the zone file created is missing TTL information, and bind will give error message after restarting. I have to manually change it to another value under "DNS Manager" -> "DNS Entry" -> "Options". Did I do it the proper way? 2. I notice that DNS Manager will create a reverse zone file for every IP address zone. Is there anyway to avoid this? I am using ISPConfig as a DNS server as well as reverse DNS server? The reverse zone file created is not good for me. Thank you very much.
You must always change the Default TTL in DNS Manager -> DNS Entry -> Options. No, you cannot avoid this. We might add this feature to a future release.