Web pages are error messages 500 & 403 and some work!?

Discussion in 'General' started by -IFFI_, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Have you run this command? And it did not help?
    If you get an error 500 after this you should have a look in the apache error log of the site you call.
  2. -IFFI_

    -IFFI_ New Member

    It will not do anything

    root@server:~# for L in /var/www/clients/client* ; do
    >    C=`basename $L` ;
    >    for K in /var/www/clients/$C/web* ; do
    >       if [[ -d "$K" ]] ; then
    >          D=`basename $K` ;
    >          chattr -i $K ;
    >          chown -R ${D}:${C} $K ;
    >          chown -R root:root $K/log ;
    >          chown -R root:root $K/ssl ;
    >          chown -R root:root $K/web/stats ;
    >          chattr +i $K ;
    >       fi ;
    >    done ;
    > done ;

    [Mon Aug 12 20:00:02 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    [Mon Aug 12 20:01:02 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    [Mon Aug 12 20:01:16 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/crossdomain.xml
    [Mon Aug 12 20:01:17 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/videolar, referer: http://www.cizgidiziizle.com/wp-content/plugins/flash-video-player/mediaplayer/player.swf
    [Mon Aug 12 20:02:01 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    [Mon Aug 12 20:03:01 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    [Mon Aug 12 20:04:01 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    [Mon Aug 12 20:05:02 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    [Mon Aug 12 20:05:16 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/killuke-aufustikuust
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    [Mon Aug 12 20:06:02 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/bilgi_tamamla.php
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    suexec policy violation: see suexec log for more details
    [2013-08-12 20:00:17]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:00:17]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:00:17]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:00:17]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:29]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:29]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:29]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:29]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:31]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:31]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:31]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:31]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:33]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:33]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:33]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:33]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:34]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:34]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:34]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:34]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:35]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:35]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:05:47]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:05:47]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:06:02]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:06:02]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:06:02]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:06:02]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:06:03]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:06:03]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:06:03]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:06:03]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:06:05]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:06:05]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:06:05]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:06:05]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:07:05]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:07:05]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:07:05]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:07:05]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:10:15]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:10:15]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
    [2013-08-12 20:10:15]: uid: (5007/web4) gid: (5008/client4) cmd: .php-fcgi-starter
    [2013-08-12 20:10:15]: target uid/gid (5007/5008) mismatch with directory (0/0) or program (0/0)
  3. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    It's ok if the command does not output anything. Means it completed without errors.

    But: it seams like you messed up the owner of the fcgi-starter scripts, too.
    So we have to extend the script one more time:

    for L in /var/www/clients/client* ; do
       C=`basename $L` ;
       for K in /var/www/clients/$C/web* ; do
          if [[ -d "$K" ]] ; then
             D=`basename $K` ;
             chattr -i $K ;
             chown -R ${D}:${C} $K ;
             chown -R root:root $K/log ;
             chown -R root:root $K/ssl ;
             chown -R root:root $K/web/stats ;
             chattr +i $K ;
             chown -R ${D}:${C} /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/$D ;
          fi ;
       done ;
    done ;
  4. -IFFI_

    -IFFI_ New Member

    Yes, yes yes :):):):)

    This solves the problem. Client's websites running on all.

    But, there is still a small problem, if go to https://hosting-networks.com:8080/ here is my ISPConfig admin panel...500 Internal Server Error.... how to solve this problem yet
  5. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig
  6. -IFFI_

    -IFFI_ New Member

    YES I'm very happy :)

    Many many thanks to you for the great help :)

    All my problems is solved.

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