Has anyone gotten this to work following the guides? i have install php 5.3.22 as by following the debian wheezy guide. When i select the php version for the site i need a downgraded version on, the site no longer parses php. it reads all as html. PHP-FPM is running and i can see it listening on the server. I also see the vhost edited to reflect the changes i made for it to run 5.3.22. any help is appreciated.
Have you compiled php 5.3 (you should use 5.3.27, not 5.3.22) with the fpm configure option? Default is fcgi.
i followed this guide, i wanted to install it as per the guide to make sure i can get it working before i went off of the guide and custom configured what i needed http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-us...pm-and-fastcgi-with-ispconfig-3-debian-wheezy