Manually uninstall package

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by 7winkie, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. 7winkie

    7winkie New Member


    when trying to uninstall an installed package (roundcube) i get an "invalid id" error. what are the tables and records to search for in dbsipconfig to manually delete the app?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The relevant tables are aps_instances and aps_instances_settings. Find the installed app in aps_instances, write down its ID and then delete the record. Then go to aps_instances_settings and delete all records were instance_id = the ID that you noted from aps_instances table.
  3. 7winkie

    7winkie New Member

    both tables are empty. im running ispconfig in mirror mode. installed roundcube via app & addon packages as admin. i guess my mistake was to install it on srv1 and srv2. after initiating the deletion via the interface, it shows the app as beeing deleted on srv2. pushing it now again to remove it from srv1 throws the error as defined in software_package_del.php.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ah ok, it was installed as ispconfig extension and not via the apps installer in a website. To remove the ispconfig extension, delete the record from the software_update_inst table.
  5. 7winkie

    7winkie New Member

    thanks mate, this did the trick.
    also removed the entries from software_update though.

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