BUMP: Client change php version for site Any one please answer because as i see it the site owner (client) should be able to change php version if not any idea to make this possible whitout breaking any standard code or security
Maybe you have the additional php versions assigned to a user under system->additional php versions If a version is assigned to a client, only that client or admin can use it.
Thank you for your answer but no php version are assign to any one as you see on the pic admin can change and see php versions but user can only se default oh by the way forgot my info ispconfig running on debian whezzy different php version made by using this http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-us...pm-and-fastcgi-with-ispconfig-3-debian-wheezy
Yes but since we only use fsat-cgi on all site/client on that are activate in site but on option both are aviable only way to get it avaible is to in usertype set user to admin instead of user and that is not an option i think i am total lost here
No, setting to type admin will grant a lot of rights you don't want them to have. Please have a look into the web_domain table of dbispsconfig database. Check the settings for "sys_perm_user", "sys_perm_group", "sys_userid" and "sys_groupid" for the domain_id of the record.
Oh wait a second. It is a bug in that is corrected in svn. Here is a patch file that just fixes this issue. Apply it with cd /usr/local/ispconfig patch -p0 < patch.txt
Just for those, who get to this thread with the same problem: http://www.ispconfig.org/download/patches/ (Patch ID: 3053_phpversion)