Hi, I would like to know if is there a reason why reseller can't use client-template and if it's possible to add them the permission to use it. if I take the time to create some template, why I can't force the reseller to use it instead of letting them allowing any setting to the client? Thank you
I understand that I can't assign a "client-template" to a reseller. but why a reseller can't assign a "client-template" to a client?
The template functionality is implemented for the admin only in the current ISPConfig versions. There is a feature request for eimplementing it for resellers as well in the bugtracker. If you need that functionality you might want to vote for its implementation in the bugtracker.
if anyone else want to vote for this feature and didn't find the bug tracker: http://bugtracker.ispconfig.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=3064 Thank you
Took more time to find where to edit then time to fix it... I edited this file: /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/client/templates/client_edit_limits.htm at the beginning: Code: <tmpl_if name="is_admin"> <div class="ctrlHolder"> <label for="template_master">{tmpl_var name='template_master_txt'}</label> <select name="template_master" id="template_master" class="selectInput"> {tmpl_var name='template_master'} </select> </div> <div class="ctrlHolder"> <label for="template_additional">{tmpl_var name='template_additional_txt'}</label> <select name="tpl_add_select" id="tpl_add_select" class="selectInput"> {tmpl_var name='tpl_add_select'} </select> </div> <div class="ctrlHolder"> <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='active_template_additional_txt'}</p> <div id="template_additional_list" class="multiField"> <ul> {tmpl_var name='template_additional_list'} </ul> </div> <input type="hidden" id="template_additional" name="template_additional" value="{tmpl_var name='template_additional'}"> </div> <div class="ctrlHolder"> </div> </tmpl_if> just remove this: Code: <tmpl_if name="is_admin"> </tmpl_if> and the reseller will be able to choose template for the client. Thank you
I havent tested this but it might be that your resellers are able to extend their limits now beyond the limits that the admn has set to them.
the reseller don't have the "edit reseller" and they don't have template assigned. I don't think they will be able to change their own limit just because they can assign template to client
I think what till means is, that reseller could assign more limits to their clients than they have been assigned by admin if they can use templates.