ISPConfig Reset

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by musya3d, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. musya3d

    musya3d New Member

    How do i reset or clear everything in ISPConfig, because i tryed deleteing clients and sites, but it still doesnt work. Can anyone help me?
  2. brainz

    brainz Member

    Hello musya3d

    Actually first thing i would look at is the recycle bin... inside ispconfig after you login. If the items you deleted are in the recycle bin then flush the recycle bin first then try again but if not then have a look at this thread


    I dont know

    Hope this helps

    brainz ;):cool:
  3. musya3d

    musya3d New Member

    Well thats the thing though is that it deleted the site, but not the client, so i cant make a new website for him now, it says this site is already created but its no longer there, nor in the recycle bin. Thanks Man, ill check out the uninstall page.

    Thanks Again!
  4. brainz

    brainz Member

    Just another suggestion prehaps you might consider deleting and flushing the client account and then recreating the client again then setup a web for that client again...

    brainz ;):cool:
  5. musya3d

    musya3d New Member

    I would love too, but i dont know how. :D any suggestions?
  6. brainz

    brainz Member


    This is pritty simple actually.....

    Once you have loged into the ispconfig admin account, on the left you will see the ispconfig manager and below a tree structure which has


    to delete a client that is in the clients section of the the tree structure you click on the world Clients

    below will be the Client that you created.

    Click on the Client you have created and on the right will apear the details for that clients account.

    At the bottom of the clients details you click on the delete button but this does not delete the account it puts it in the recycle bin.

    Then you click on the recycle bin and on the right you will see all the items that you have created for that client and then all you do is click on empty recyle bin all gone.

    hope this helps

    brainz ;):cool:
  7. musya3d

    musya3d New Member

    Yes it helped thank you!

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