Does the latest software support these older hash's If I enable it in MYSQL? I have about 11000 accounts I need to import and around 1350 of them are the older short mysql hash's. If I import the accounts and enable --oldpasswords in MYSQL will ISP _Config still be able to Authenticate ? Thanks in advance!
These will be email accounts located in the mail_user table, New hash $1$iB4Af4Af$topAamyrunx88XKpWdOjh/ Older hash 55Dd/1xbcf1KI
The old hash does not look like a has used in ispconfig. All ispconfig 3 and ispconfig 2 versions use the same hash algorithm for mail users (crypt-md5 with salt) which produce hashes like this: $1$iB4Af4Af$topAamyrunx88XKpWdOjh/ The hash you posted as old hash looks more like a cleartext password, for a hash its a bit too short.