Change IP address in panel

Discussion in 'General' started by bolero, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. bolero

    bolero New Member

    I have to change IP address of the ISPConfig managed config on several virtual machines soon (changes besides ISPConfig are no problem). Preferrably outside of ISPConfig, so I can prepare that for automatic execution.

    In which table(s) of ispconfig 2 would I have to change this? Is this only isp_server and isp_isp_web? (There's also isp_server_ip, but it doesn't contain the IP address of the server all the time.)
    And is there a way to automatically create a new Vhosts_ispconfig.conf from that change or should I rather replace the file manually until the next addition/edit of a web which would rewrite it, anyway?

    Any other files where ISPConfig might include/manage the IP number?
    (dns is not managed by ISPConfig, not running on the same machine.)

    Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Search for the ip in all tables with phpmyadmin and replace all occurrences. Or download the database as sql drump, replace it with a text editor and import it again. Then change a website in ispconfig to rewrite the Vhost_ispconfig.conf file.

    Just the network config files of your server.
  3. bolero

    bolero New Member

    Thanks, I identified four tables containing the IP address:
    isp_isp_domain, isp_isp_web, isp_server and isp_server_ip

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